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Update: Addressing new level system questions and feedback

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26 minutes ago, emmaki said:

And one of those sellers is a pro 1MM+ seller who plasters herself all over Fiverr as a guru, encouraging AI use because Fiverr's made it easier than ever to succeed. Her reviews tell the story. Not sure if she's still OOO, but right now she's building a cabin in the back of beyond or something. 


I know exactly who you are talking about and yes she is out of office, no gigs active for now. 

26 minutes ago, emmaki said:

and I'm pretty sure she bragged about it on a few occasions

She did.

1 minute ago, almostfauxreal said:

Yeah that's exactly the one I meant here 😄 The gigs are on hold now though.

I was talking about someone else, who is very active, clearly says "they" write everything, when if you search their name, you clearly see that person advertises their writing agency on all pages. Do a bit more digging, and you see who is a part of her agency, some of which are Fiverr sellers that charge half or less of what that person is charging.

I am not a Pro seller myself like they are, however they are still a competitor and it's unethical to say you're writing stuff alone when you're clearly not.. I never outsourced myself, and I can see that workload the person has all the time, there's no way they can handle all of that by themselves every single day. But hey, it makes Fiverr money, they promote the person on the first page constantly, so yeah.. 

It's one of those things that will not go away, I think it's even worse in the Logo and design category, I know some people bragged about making a huge amount every month on the forum. The Agency title should be imposed to people that are outsourcing, then again I don't think Fiverr has the resources to do some digging on all sellers and ensure they are showcased properly. It's unfair to have singular freelancers compete with agencies..

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12 minutes ago, almostfauxreal said:

Yeah that's exactly the one I meant here 😄 The gigs are on hold now though.


They have been on hold for a while... she was also demoted from Pro to lvl 2 but made a Pro in what we all know was a very careful evaluation of sellers made by real people and not AI from a bunch of metrics to fill up a new marketplace. 

She's probably making way more money with the limpets clinging onto her every influential word on SM though. She's really good at that stuff. I don't really have an issue with how she's used her success to build off-platform success (even if it is all dodgy), more with Fiverr not sticking to its own, apparently increasingly randomly applied TOS. 

9 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

was talking about someone else, who is very active, clearly says "they" write everything, when if you search their name

Ooh, I wonder who the other seller is! Do you have any massive subtle hints to share? 

It's not so important to know really, but it just goes to show that the community is well aware of huge issues within Fiverr, who, even as they are apparently glued to our screen listening to every word, do not seem to be able to do anything about.

If we know, Fiverr knows. And we all know why Fiverr is doing nothing about this, just as we all know why Fiverr isn't going to change a thing about what they're doing aside from sacrifice some minor features in the name of "transparency" and to have some vague thing to point at as a result of "listening".

I do wonder about their agency feature, but then again, the link I posted yesterday says absolutely useful about anything.  

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15 minutes ago, leonormiserol said:

Did anyone here join this morning's event "New freelancer levels, more transparency"?

Yes, I joined and, to be honest, found nothing useful or informative that we do not already know. I asked the following questions:

1. Why does customer support cancel orders that do not match the buyer's personal taste, even though it is not what is stated in the terms of service (I even referred to the @levinewman case)? The response was that we never cancel such orders and probably the reason of cancellation was something else. However, we know the harsh reality.

2. Asked about 'Location Inconsistency' warnings, but I was completely ignored and they didn't even say a word in response.

3. Asked about how revisions and resolutions affect statistics, but they did not provide a direct answer, so we all know the answer. 🙂🙂


In short, Transparent Fiver provided no productive information (that we didn't already know).

Edited by rawque_gulia
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9 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

Yes, I joined and, to be honest, found nothing useful or informative that we do not already know. I asked the following questions:

1. Why does customer support cancel orders that do not match the buyer's personal taste, even though it is not what is stated in the terms of service (I even referred to the @levinewman case)? The response was that we never cancel such orders and probably the reason of cancellation was something else. However, we know the harsh reality.

2. Asked about 'Location Inconsistency' warnings, but I was completely ignored and they didn't even say a word in response.

3. Asked about how revisions and resolutions affect statistics, but they did not provide a direct answer, so we all know the answer. 🙂🙂


In short, Transparent Fiver provided no productive information (that we didn't already know).

So, bit of a waste of time and nothing more than a terrible PR exercise then? 

@ran_success, please read the quoted post and ask your webinar teams to revise their approach, because the strategy isn't working. 

Edited by emmaki
staff memo added
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23 hours ago, almostfauxreal said:

I didn't ask directly but seems like. I asked why there is such a discrepancy between the success score for two of my gigs where I had no cancellation and one where CS told me they remove it from the stats, still I had strong negative on those metrics. And then that's what they answered..

I asked the specific question to support and received only an automatic response.

"The level system considers a wide timeframe of your performance to ensure fair assessments and to prevent isolated negative experiences from impacting your score. The timeframe is limited, and gives a higher weight to more recent orders, as they are more relevant to your current performance.
On each Gig, you will see the key areas that either positively or negatively impact your Gig's success score. Improving the metrics that need attention may increase the Gig's score and ultimately your overall Success score, and impact your eligibility to move up to the next level.
Gigs with more orders will have a bigger impact on the overall success score. You'll be able to see and track your success score on your new Level Overview page."

Nobody wants to tell me why I have a high negative impact due to cancellations. Keeping in mind that I don't cancel orders!
Only 2 cancellations in 2 years! It's not even 1% of my orders.

I feel mocked.

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1 hour ago, cal5086 said:

Has anyone on here successfully brought their score up by deleting gigs?

Deleted 2 gigs 4 days ago and my score is still an 8/10. Not sure if anyone else seem results doing this, but nothing has changed for me

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Just now, visualstudios said:

You are safe from that with RTO. Why would anyone accept clients placing orders out of the blue is beyond me at this point.

You are completely right, but I'm still in a stage of creating that momentum of orders. I guess RTO would cost me a lot of potential orders

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9 minutes ago, voicedbyken said:

Deleted 2 gigs 4 days ago and my score is still an 8/10. Not sure if anyone else seem results doing this, but nothing has changed for me

In today's webinar, they mentioned that it might show an effect in a couple of days.

(I emphasized on "might" above because they also did the same, they didn't/couldn't reveal the specifics)

Edited by sripra9007
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17 minutes ago, emmaki said:

So, bit of a waste of time and nothing more than a terrible PR exercise then? 

I would say, "Absolutely." Fiverr needs to learn that always saying "we can not disclose things" is not going to work and help sellers (or the community in general). The community needs answers to the mess they have created.

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Just now, rawque_gulia said:

The community needs answers to the mess they have created.

As @catwriter said earlier, they don't care. They want to act like they do, but they don't. Maybe they're a little surprised by the massive backlash, but the new update likely achieved exactly what they wanted.

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6 minutes ago, sripra9007 said:

that it might show an effect in a couple of days.

or it might not...  I don't know why they are not telling us something clear , we shouldn't guess, we shouldn't know the facts


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Just now, vibronx said:

they don't care. They want to act like they do, but they don't.

I can confirm this. From the looks on their faces at the webinar and the way the officials were so proud of their new Level system, I don't think they have any plans to listen to the community and rework things (at least a few things).

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Just now, rawque_gulia said:

From the looks on their faces at the webinar and the way the officials were so proud of their new Level system, I don't think they have any plans to listen to the community and rework things (at least a few things).

I went to their webinars a couple times. Not any longer. I'll only go to places where I can talk back and listened to, I'm not gonna be lectured to, specially by people who know much less than me. They can keep their worthless webinars full of meksells or do them to no audience at all for all I care.

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