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Update: Addressing new level system questions and feedback

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12 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Hopefully Fiverr will manage to clean up at least some of the mess before March 14th, when this thing goes live.

Who says the system isn't already live? The shining paragons of Transparency themselves? 

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13 minutes ago, webcut said:

I think @Kesha is not able to answer all the questions. There are many questions raised! We should better way to contact Customer support with our all inquiry for better solution.

If I were Kesha, I would simply skip to the last page and continue from there. Approximately 50% of everything over the weekend is OT nonsense anyway... 

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23 minutes ago, leonormiserol said:

Apparently Fiverr made his decision which is to kill as many as he can in the shortest time. At this point I don't know what to do anymore.

 2 cancellations in 2 years aren't by any standard a valid reason for demotion to level 0. Unless they want to play thanos and wipe out a large number of sellers from over crowded catagories.

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Before the new level system update, I am hoping or let me say "daydreaming" that one day the EARLY PAYOUT will be available to all levels, that's the only simple update I am waiting... and then booom! it's the other way around 😂😭 

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Just now, yachi15 said:

Before the new level system update, I am hoping or let me say "daydreaming" that one day the EARLY PAYOUT will be available to all levels, that's the only simple update I am waiting... and then booom! it's the other way around 😂😭 

Funnily enough, I’ve had the early payout option available since the earliest it was introduced as a beta feature (I’m level 2). I haven’t gotten to TRS yet (pure luck I guess), nor ever paid for seller plus, so when this new update rolled out, all of my pending for clearance payments got the option removed. However YESTERDAY for some reason the button for early payout appeared again next to all my current pending for clearance. I got all my money out right away, both as a test to see if it was just a bug, and in case I have to abandon ship with Fiverr in the coming days. I’ll be delivering a couple orders tomorrow, will be checking if the option is still available then. This whole thing is inconsistent and unpredictable as *****!

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5 minutes ago, exdesigns said:

Under the new level system, my seller level is 0. Will my promoted gig feature drop after March 14th? 🤔

That's right brother, all the people that get level 0, just will have access to have gigs in the platform without nothing, and even you can't get your gigs visibly. I have that problem, just I didn't gets more clients anymore since 1 week for this bullsh*t of update 


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6 minutes ago, exdesigns said:

Según el nuevo sistema de niveles, mi nivel de vendedor es 0. ¿Mi función de trabajo promocionado disminuirá después del 14 de marzo? 🤔

Yes, at level 0 you will not have that function and many others.
They are suffocating us with a pillow.

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Just now, ntrxmusic said:

This is very tire, many of us depended on Fiverr and right now we are at 0, and their responses to us are almost automated by a robot, what a good level of empathy

Empathy? That’s a made-up word man. Only words I know are transparency and profit - Fiverr execs, probably 

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2 hours ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

True. Although, I'm starting to get the feeling that the same could be said for any action, done for any reason.

THIS. I'm officially more lost than I've ever been here, and I know buying SP Premium won't help at all. I question whether or not knowing what's really going on would help anything, either. I don't even know if forgetting it all and just focusing on delivering quality service to clients is at all beneficial anymore.

My overall score's a 9, which doesn't seem bad at all, and qualify but probably won't get TRS yet...no orders for a week now. Is it because people haven't left reviews? I don't know.

It's frightening how much space Fiverr takes up in my mind and honestly can see how this type of constant walking-on-eggshells and goal post moving can affect a freelancer's performance. 

6 hours ago, stanhenderson said:

3. Not receiving a review is considered negative for the overall review score?

I've been wondering this for a while as I definitely have noticed lack of impressions after not getting any on countless occasions, although I'm finding it really hard to keep up with all of this in general now and will likely miss if an answer is given--or conflicting official answers. 

Edited by mandyzines
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2 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

I've been wondering this for a while as I definitely have noticed lack of impressions after not getting any on countless occasions, although I'm finding it really hard to keep up with all of this in general now and will likely miss if an answer is given--or conflicting official answers. 

This has more to do with the not-so-good private reviews our gigs have already received. 

SM's had advised multiple sellers (as they mentioned on the forum) in the past that, request your regular buyers to leave reviews (ofcourse, without violating TOS) - this would balance out the existing reviews and improve the overall buyer satisfaction score.

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1 minute ago, priyank_mod said:

This has more to do with the not-so-good private reviews our gigs have already received. 

Then we'd see that reflected now in the gig scores, right? And it seems like the comparison to other gigs comes into play, too. If my return buyers don't leave a review then I think I'm outcompeted by other gigs that have had recent reviews and are therefore given more/better exposure.

I've seen what you bring up mentioned a lot yet been in situations where the only return buyers who don't leave reviews order within a given week and then impressions tank after the orders clear. I ask for honest feedback with every delivery.

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13 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

This has more to do with the not-so-good private reviews our gigs have already received. 

SM's had advised multiple sellers (as they mentioned on the forum) in the past that, request your regular buyers to leave reviews (ofcourse, without violating TOS) - this would balance out the existing reviews and improve the overall buyer satisfaction score.

I honestly don't believe that bad private reviews are the issue for those of us who don't have these same sort of publically displayed reviews. Most people who don't leave a public review are the type who don't leave reviews at all. I have many buyers who don't leave a review, but they still leave a tip and compliment me in chat. I have repeat buyers who have purchased 10+ times without ever leaving a review. With the amount of unsavory buyers I've had I can count on 2 hands out of the over 2k sales I've had over the last 5 years and as I can believe they would leave a poor private review, I seriously doubt they can offset the 734 5 star reviews on my Best Selling gig.

The "Client satisfaction" score on that gig only says "room for growth" with a score of 8, while all other metrics are showing "Positive Impact". This one score has to be attached to metrics other than secret ratings. 

The private review answer seems more like a copout than the full story, especially with the recent posts by Fiverr staff concerning "revisions", and "deadline Extensions" having an impact on "Customer Satisfaction".

Right now it's all speculation. No one in this forum [including staff] knows anything about how this is being measured

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Anyone have a guess as to how it impacts the ratings for sellers who have lots of repeat buyers who are there every week, or month, who send you "the usual", then grab it and go, not bothering with leaving a review as that gets old after a few times?  Repeat buyers was a big thing a while back, but I wonder if not leaving a review is now taken as a negative sign. 

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Just now, newsmike said:

Anyone have a guess as to how it impacts the ratings for sellers who have lots of repeat buyers who are there every week, or month, who send you "the usual", then grab it and go, not bothering with leaving a review as that gets old after a few times?  Repeat buyers was a big thing a while back, but I wonder if not leaving a review is now taken as a negative sign. 

My SM mentioned autocompleted orders were an issue (to what extent idk).... 

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44 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

My overall score's a 9, which doesn't seem bad at all

It’s a good score. I’m sitting at 9 too and am pleased with that. I’d love to get it to 10 but none of the advice or information sheds any light at all on what steps to take to get there. Also, nobody is perfect, so I think 9 is something to be happy about.

Importantly though, even for sellers that have a good score, there’s a ton of questions that need answering and some things that need to change. I’m really curious about all the questions regarding extensions, revisions etc. but, for me, it’s all about the value for money rating. That thing needs to go.

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Just now, mandyzines said:

I suspect it always has.

If buyer is not leaving a review then why the sellers are being punished for it? Also, sellers cannot request their buyers to leave their review which is actually a violation of TOS. It should not be considered a violation now.

Also, If not leaving a review is really being measured in success scores, then it is 100% totally wrong! 

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