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My entire profile is out of search results.


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All my gigs have been removed from search results. I have already contact to support. All the gigs have been removed from the search results because of my only 2/4 bad ratings. In that case what can I do now? Please help me with good suggestions. In short, my entire profile is out of search results.

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My success score is 4. All gigs remove from search result due to poor performance. If i contact with support, they are every time same reply (work with your existing buyer). But i don't have so many existing customer. How can i improve my level. Currently totally off my income. Anyone can help me, What i do now?

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Success score is very important for a Fiverr seller. Mainly the following 6 factors control your Success Score. If you go to your Level overview and click on Success Score, you can see which subject is good and which subject is bad for each gig.
Most people think that the Fivrer Success Score update has worsened for gig performance. Reality is not that. The problem is that a gig performance is still what it was before. The difference is that, before you wouldn't know. But now you can see the strengths and weaknesses of each gig through Success Score. 

The 6 key points are for Success Score:

  1. Client satisfaction,
  2. Effective communication,
  3. Conflict-free orders,
  4. Order cancellations,
  5. Delivery time, and
  6. Value for money.
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