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Full broadcast rights: internet, radio, TV

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I have a question for my fellow voice-over artists. It's about the "full broadcast rights" extra. I know that this is a price we set if we voice a project that will be broadcasted on paid media, such as the internet, radio, or TV. But, is it right to charge the same for those? With this, I mean, a voice-over for a video that will be published on a paid Facebook ad is not the same as a video that will be broadcasted on national TV. Wouldn't it be right to separate those?

How do you do it? Don't you mind receiving the same price whether for internet, radio, or TV? Or do they do something to charge extra if it's for radio or TV?

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Hey Gustavo,

It's all about how you wish to differentiate these. You can create custom gig-extras for your licenses that aren't already included by Fiverr. I have several licenses ranging from "Internal Business Use" "Full BuyOut" etc... You can create licenses for Regional, National, and International Broadcast usage. For me, I keep Broacast the same across the board as the more you add, the more confusing your non-industry business clients become. In the end, it's up to you. Test it out and see how it goes.

I do recommend including a PDF in your gallery explaining each license along with it respective permissions and restrictions so that you can direct potential buyers to an easy explanation without spending hours attempting to explain the same thing over and over again.

Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense - My sleep meds are kicking in...

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