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Important Updates: Level System (now live!) and Ratings & Reviews (testing changes)

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A buyer have 10$ in pocket will find the seller 10$ and rate 5 star for the value of the money. Then the buyer has 350$-1000$ in their pocket and will rate 5 stars for a Pro seller starting price from 300$. But the buyer has 10$ is 9999, and those 350-1000$ is 10 =)). So that means this year the whole Fiverr will have 3-4 star rating, no one will got 5. The same as the old system. nothing new. In Upwork, I saw many big enterprises that paid 20-30k USD for one seller, and they kept return, but here in my graphic designer category, I rarely saw those clients appear. If Fiverr want to have more return buyers, they need to do "working hours' feature for on going project.

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3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

If it's 30 days, people will complain their historical performance isn't taken into account - if I did good work for 10 years, shouldn't that count?

If it's all time, people will complain that the system never forgets, that one mistake will haunt you forever, etc. Not to mention long time sellers would be at a massive advantage.


There's no perfect solution for this. In any case, 1 cancelation in 2 years isn't bad, and you also have all the successful orders you sold in those two years to compensate. Right?

All in all, I think 2 years is a pretty sensible middle ground. 

Fiverr lets you have 30 days to maintain the level but next 30 days you have 2 orders XD. I met many times these situations.

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13 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

I have 4 gigs showing success scores, the gigs' scores being 8, 4, 8, 4.

Averaged that would be an overall success score of 6.


My actual overall success score is 8 though. So it can't be a simple average of all our gig's success scores.

Fun facts about math:

8+4+8+4 = 8+8+8

I've always said Fiverr hires meksell programmers... 

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Just now, visualstudios said:

But what would you prefer? That it counted 9 years? That it counted 1 year? 60 days? Why?

A line has to be drawn somewhere.

To be honest, the answer is relative.
If they count 2 years back, but not give a weight too much compared to our success job, then I agree with 2 years period.
The thing is (but I'm still trying to figure it out), I don't know how they weight the bad order experience compared to the good one.
I can say from my experience working on Fiverr, which got maybe just got 0.2 or 0.3% from my total sales that has a negative experience. And around 60% got a positive experience, including positive feedback, tip, etc.

But with this new level system, I got only 5 in my overall score.
I don't know how much they give a weight to that bad experience order which can make 0.2% bad can be more weighted compared to 60% good.

Still trying to figure it out.

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1 minute ago, gunawanguan said:

I can say from my experience working on Fiverr, which got maybe just got 0.2 or 0.3% from my total sales that has a negative experience. And around 60% got a positive experience, including positive feedback, tip, etc.

But with this new level system, I got only 5 in my overall score.
I don't know how much they give a weight to that bad experience order which can make 0.2% bad can be more weighted compared to 60% good.

Still trying to figure it out.

Sure, but that's a totally different topic, and has nothing to do with the system looking at 2 years back or not. The same applies if it looked back 1 year, or 30 days, or whatever.

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10 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

If it's 30 days, people will complain their historical performance isn't taken into account - if I did good work for 10 years, shouldn't that count?

If it's all time, people will complain that the system never forgets, that one mistake will haunt you forever, etc. Not to mention long time sellers would be at a massive advantage.


There's no perfect solution for this. In any case, 1 cancelation in 2 years isn't bad, and you also have all the successful orders you sold in those two years to compensate. Right?

All in all, I think 2 years is a pretty sensible middle ground. 

In my point of view, it should be like 6 months. Because people can recover stats for their past 6 months easily or at least they can try. But for 2 years I don't think we might be able to recover easily since sales are not the same throughout the years. 

But for new sellers it's a great opportunity 

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40 minutes ago, louisthevoice said:

He notado que en todos mis conciertos tengo un impacto negativo en la comunicación efectiva. Lo hago aclarando cualquier pregunta de antemano y haciendo todo lo que se indica en su explicación de la puntuación de éxito. Como hago locuciones, no hay  necesidad de establecer hitos, etc. Solo pregunto sobre ciertas palabras y su  pronunciación, aclaro todo lo que necesitan (por ejemplo, si necesitan masterización o no), grabo y entrego. 


También recibió casi solo calificaciones de 5 estrellas, lo que demuestra la satisfacción del cliente. 


¿Alguien tiene el mismo problema?

Also happen to me in ALL GIGS, MY 6 GIGS HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM AND LITERALLY I HAVE 490 REVIEWS +500 And always try to keep an awesome communication with the client lol 

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Fiverr this last years just give all the benefits to the clients and never help to the seller that is the main guy, because if they don't have sellers, the page don't is able to exist, we pay 20% of fee for each sell, they include a new categories in the review ''VALUE FOR MONEY'' and a client just put ''4 stars'' in a gig of 5$, wtf that don't have sense. How you can put a ''VALUE FOR MONEY'' in a gig of 5$ don't have nothing of sense. 1 review public and 1 private, why they do that, why they don't put all in just 1 review? is how if you go to a restaurant and they ask to review 2 times, lol. Fiverr was a good one but with all this, the good sellers will go out. 



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6 hours ago, Kesha said:

New updates are coming, and we’re keeping you in the loop every step of the way. As previously announced, our latest changes are designed to help guide your journey on Fiverr with more transparency and certainty. 

→ A new Freelancer Level System is ready for you to explore
We’re excited to announce that the new and improved freelancer level system is now live on the platform. You have a 30-day transition period (starting today) to familiarize yourself with the new system, check your status, and work on your metrics as needed. It's your time to shine!

While your level in the old system remains visible to clients until March 14, you should now prioritize maintaining or enhancing your standing in the new level system. You’ll be able to view the old system if necessary during this period. Learn more about the new level system and this transition period here.
Check out the new level system→

→ We’re testing changes to the ratings & reviews system
Our efforts to enhance Fiverr’s ratings & reviews system are ongoing, and we’re currently testing new improvements. We're committed to relieving the pressure of aiming for a perfect 5-star rating. The previous system often led to near-perfect scores, making it challenging for exceptional work to stand out. We’re shifting the benchmark to ensure that ratings accurately reflect performance, setting better expectations with clients as well as providing more transparency for you as freelancers. 

To achieve this, we're testing changes in how public ratings are calculated. In order to present a more realistic view of your performance and service, scores will take into account ratings from the last 2 years, instead of lifetime ratings. 

Additionally, we will test a new calculation method for public ratings that incorporates historical private feedback, aiming to reflect client feedback more holistically and enhance the reliability of ratings as a decision-making tool. This adjustment may lead to a change in public rating scores platform-wide. 

We're conducting these tests to ensure that the changes we're making will have a positive impact on the entire marketplace. These tests will run in a manner that ensures fairness across the marketplace. Clients that encounter the new score calculation will see adjustments universally across all freelancers on the platform.

These changes aim to create a more diverse rating landscape, highlighting exceptional work and building trust on Fiverr to bring you more business.

We're attentive to your feedback regarding previous changes to the public rating and review system, including concerns about emojis, the rating scale, and the value-for-money question. Initial insights indicate positive outcomes, including:
Consistent form response rate: The recent form changes have not impacted the rate at which clients provide feedback. 
Stable scores across all price ranges for the value-for-money question: There is no decrease in ratings for higher prices, and vice versa.

Be assured that we're taking your feedback seriously and will conduct additional tests to find solutions that benefit all users on the Fiverr marketplace. We'll continue to update you honestly and openly, ensuring you're part of our decision-making process at Fiverr. 

- The Fiverr Team

My TOP RATED eligible account is now showing ACCOUNT FLAGGED!  On reaching the customer support they told me I have LOCATION INCONSISTENCIES.  and that I will be PERMANENTLY  RESTRICTED from the Level System.

Now, if this new update allows seller to adopt it until 14 of March, We I be allowed to some how tell Fiverr what my exact location is??? 

and how would they determine my location ?

I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 10.40.56 PM.png

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1 minute ago, panoslazarisads said:


What could be a proper response when one of my existing customers notices that I'm not a top-rated seller anymore? Sorry but 2 years ago I canceled 2 orders.

Well there could be two scenarios 

If you are offering low-cost gigs like for example 5$,10$, or 20$ then it should not be an issue since you might be getting tons of orders. But for sellers those are charging so much depending on the project and one project might take weeks to complete then it can definitely be an issue. Like for one of my gigs, most of the orders I got were related to custom development and sometimes a project can 2 to 3 weeks. So for me, it's not easy to recover since I may get 2 to 3 orders per month for this gig.

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Top Rated, Level 2 and now 0. The period of this evaluation is 2 years, it means that the profile and the Gigs are compromised. But I notice that the support wants to let you know that you can take 30 days to evaluate the new level system, and take the necessary precautions. How?


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4 minutes ago, awaisahmed489 said:

Well there could be two scenarios 

If you are offering low-cost gigs like for example 5$,10$, or 20$ then it should not be an issue since you might be getting tons of orders. But for sellers those are charging so much depending on the project and one project might take weeks to complete then it can definitely be an issue. Like for one of my gigs, most of the orders I got were related to custom development and sometimes a project can 2 to 3 weeks. So for me, it's not easy to recover since I may get 2 to 3 orders per month for this gig.

The same goes to me, most of the active orders are with a 30-day time frame and pricing can be like 700$+ so I'm charging "a lot"

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1 minute ago, carminesannino said:

Top Rated, Level 2 and now 0. The period of this evaluation is 2 years, it means that the profile and the Gigs are compromised. But I notice that the support wants to let you know that you can take 30 days to evaluate the new level system, and take the necessary precautions. How?


Thats completely crazy... 🤪
1826 orders with 1490 clients and a 4.9 rating
But lets start to work on your metrics... 😂

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5 minutes ago, carminesannino said:

you can take 30 days to evaluate the new level system, and take the necessary precautions. 


I don't see how you can when the algorithm gives you less, if any, exposure in that span of time. 

Edited by mandyzines
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4 minutes ago, carminesannino said:

Top Rated, Level 2 and now 0. The period of this evaluation is 2 years, it means that the profile and the Gigs are compromised. But I notice that the support wants to let you know that you can take 30 days to evaluate the new level system, and take the necessary precautions. How?


What can I say except this new rating system ***ks

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1 minute ago, levinewman said:

I got a rating of 9 on my consultation option on my gig.

We also got that, same exact score in the consultation gig. "effective communication - room for growth". Not negative, I suppose, but yeah. "Room for growth"? Where?

That's a weird "gig" though, as it's not set up the same way as the others.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

We also got that, same exact score in the consultation gig. "effective communication - room for growth". Not negative, I suppose, but yeah. "Room for growth"? Where?

That's a weird "gig" though, as it's not set up the same way as the others.

Here's the thing. Nobody gets to rate me on my communication level. Especially not THAT kind of communication. It's literally the only thing that a consultation is. Communication. My job isn't to tell you what you want to hear; it's to tell you how I can help you. If you don't like what I offer or what I'm saying, fine, but that's not poor communication. That's just you having a different opinion or perspective. Nothing to do with communication.

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2 minutes ago, levinewman said:

If you don't like what I offer or what I'm saying, fine, but that's not poor communication.

Well, that's the issue with the consultation gigs, and how they're set up. They're a risk. If the client isn't happy with what they hear, they can just leave a bad review and that's it. Nothing you can do about it. 

The only solution for this would be for the consultation calls not to be reviewed (when they pertain to other services, like video editing for example), otherwise it's just a bad idea to sell them.

Edited by visualstudios
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13 minutes ago, adanaik said:

and how would they determine my location ?

In their privacy policy Fiverr say:


We also, collect, use and process the information relating to such usage, including geo-location information, IP address,

So they're basing it off your IP address from your device or other location info given from your phone. You could check with Fiverr support though for more info and what exactly the issue is. If you had used a VPN that might have made it seem like there were location inconsistencies.

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