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Important Updates: Level System (now live!) and Ratings & Reviews (testing changes)

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I´ve noticed on all my gigs I have a negative Impact in effective communication. I am doing that by clarifying any questions beforehand and do anything as listed on your explanation of the success score. As I´m doing voiceovers, there's no need for setting milestones etc. I just ask about certain words and their pronunciation, clarify everything they need (e.g. if they need mastering or not), record and deliver. 


Also received almost only 5 star ratings, which kinda prove the costumer satisfaction. 


Anybody has the same issue?

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1 minute ago, anabellamadeo said:

The concept of "private rating" itself shouldn't exist. Everything we do as sellers is out there and evaluated, and we're held accountable for that, which is fair. Why should buyers be given the chance to leave a secondary, *secret* review of our work? What is even the point? No strings attached, no accountability -they could write whatever crosses their mind at that moment knowing that we won't be able to ever read it, unaware of how their words can affect us. I've had buyers who were super happy with my service during the process leave 3 or 4 stars ratings, and when asked what could I have done to improve their experience their reasons were "Sorry, I was having a bad day" and "I felt Fiverr was pushing me to leave a not perfect review". I swear this is true.  

And this out factor of your performance, will affect your enitre work, next future sales badly.
I agree with this, the fact that private review factored a lot of our gig performance seems not fair.
Like this customer, just because they have a bad day, they ruin the life of seller for 2 months.

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18 minutes ago, maitasun said:

It's a normal average calculation (36/4 = 9)

It doesn't work for others though.

eg. My success score is 8

My gigs' success scores are: 8,4,8,4

The average of 8,4,8,4 would be 6, but my succes score is 8

So it's weighting them differently (eg. the most commonly bought gig is probably getting a higher weight).

Maybe its the gig that gets the most private ratings that gets weighted the most in the overall success score.

Edited by uk1000
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7 minutes ago, anabellamadeo said:

The concept of "private rating" itself shouldn't exist. Everything we do as sellers is out there and evaluated, and we're held accountable for that, which is fair. Why should buyers be given the chance to leave a secondary, *secret* review of our work? What is even the point? No strings attached, no accountability -they could write whatever crosses their mind at that moment knowing that we won't be able to ever read it, unaware of how their words can affect us. I've had buyers who were super happy with my service during the process leave 3 or 4 stars ratings, and when asked what could I have done to improve their experience their reasons were "Sorry, I was having a bad day" and "I felt Fiverr was pushing me to leave a not perfect review". I swear this is true.  

As much as I don't like it, I can see some people--sellers--getting psycho over it in so many creative ways and stalking/harassing clients outside of Fiverr.

Edited by mandyzines
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7 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Just look at some examples people have provided - they are not a simple average. Otherwise someone with 4 gigs with 10, 10, 8, 8 would be guaranteed a 9 in overall score. That's just demonstrably false.

Didn't find much information, but I did find this, which proves the overall score IS a simple average of all individual scores.

5 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Just saw mine, I have a score of 9. Out of 4 gigs, 3 have a score of 9 and 1 has 10.

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I am not a fan of it.

I was demoted to level 1 despite deserving a promotion to Top Rated.

My gig has a high client satisfaction rating, with all my orders receiving 5-star reviews. However, the new system displays a negative impact on my communication and client satisfaction.


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2 minutes ago, maitasun said:

but I did find this, which proves the overall score IS a simple average of all individual scores.

Where's the proof? One person happens to match up with a simple average. That means nothing. That's not what "prove" means.

However, one person not matching up, actually proves that it's not a simple average. And we have those cases, so...

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1 minute ago, newsmike said:

Fortunately, there is now Fiverr approved spam.  What could go wrong?

Nothing that couldn't before. That's a pointless feature, given that sellers could have always messaged past buyers anyway. Makes no difference.

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1 hour ago, smartdezigns said:

True that but I still would like to get it confirm from the Fiverr Staff so that we can take further steps/actions to improve our services/gigs. I have only 1 gig which is not selling well that's why wanted to confirm still.

But it looks like that with the addition of new changes/updates, we gotta update ourselves too.. :classic_mellow:

I'm following up with the same questions, looking up for the answer.


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5 hours ago, simplyjam said:

Today I should have become Top Level Seller! Couldn't wait to log in and check. Yet with the new rating system, I'm Level 0. Crushed. 

Hi @simplyjam! The good news is the new levels are not yet live to buyers on the marketplace. Please take this time to explore the new system and work on your metrics. The new system and levels will go live on the marketplace on March 14. 

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5 hours ago, emmaki said:
  • A copy of the Bible so I remember that God still loves me, even if Fiverr doesn't

We talk a lot about what we don't like on here because there are a lot of problems, but this right here is everything that keeps me going. I know it's not what everyone believes, and that is 100% OK, but it really does fill me with limitless joy when people do remember God still loves them no matter what's happening or what's on the horizon. 

I love reading all your stuff, @emmaki, but this is by far my favorite thing yet. Have an epic Valentine's Day; you deserve it.


(And even if it's a throwaway comment on your end, it still made my day so much better.)

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So basically, your ascension in level, or demotion in level, will hinge on your success score. And the latter, will hinge on how many orders your gigs have.

Er go, if you have multiple gigs that don’t get ‘a ton’ of orders. Or one gig that is purchased ‘every now and then.’ Even if you do good work, and the gig, or gigs in question have high marks from customers. Your success score will fall because the gig isn’t popular enough?

That’s a pretty crummy system my friends.

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1 minute ago, nickj2013 said:

Er go, if you have multiple gigs that don’t get ‘a ton’ of orders. Or one gig that is purchased ‘every now and then.’ Even if you do good work, and the gig, or gigs in question have high marks from customers. Your success score will fall because the gig isn’t popular enough?

Not seeing that. I have plenty of gigs with very few orders - like, less than 10 orders in 2 years, and they all have 10 success score.

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1 minute ago, nickj2013 said:

Er go, if you have multiple gigs that don’t get ‘a ton’ of orders. Or one gig that is purchased ‘every now and then.’ Even if you do good work, and the gig, or gigs in question have high marks from customers. Your success score will fall because the gig isn’t popular enough?

That’s a pretty crummy system my friends.

Yes, in Fiverrthink, Lamborghini is regarded as a lousy car because they only make 600 of each model, and why Formula 1 racing should switch to the very popular Toyota Camry. 

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14 minutes ago, maitasun said:

but I did find this, which proves the overall score IS a simple average of all individual scores.

It can't be - see what I said above though.

I have 4 gigs showing success scores, the gigs' scores being 8, 4, 8, 4.

Averaged that would be an overall success score of 6.


My actual overall success score is 8 though. So it can't be a simple average of all our gig's success scores.

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Taking 2 years of data to calculate the success score is not fair. I remember that I canceled an order in 2022 and it is the only canceled order for this gig but it still impacts the overall score. If we calculate that way then it may take so much time to recover our stats back. 

BTW I'm demoted to Level 1 from Level 2 Cheers

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4 minutes ago, awaisahmed489 said:

Taking 2 years of data to calculate the success score is not fair. I remember that I canceled an order in 2022 and it is the only canceled order for this gig but it still impacts the overall score. If we calculate that way then it may take so much time to recover our stats back. 

If it's 30 days, people will complain their historical performance isn't taken into account - if I did good work for 10 years, shouldn't that count?

If it's all time, people will complain that the system never forgets, that one mistake will haunt you forever, etc. Not to mention long time sellers would be at a massive advantage.


There's no perfect solution for this. In any case, 1 cancelation in 2 years isn't bad, and you also have all the successful orders you sold in those two years to compensate. Right?

All in all, I think 2 years is a pretty sensible middle ground. 

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2 minutes ago, awaisahmed489 said:

Taking 2 years of data to calculate the success score is not fair. I remember that I canceled an order in 2022 and it is the only canceled order for this gig but it still impacts the overall score. If we calculate that way then it may take so much time to recover our stats back. 

BTW I'm demoted to Level 1 from Level 2 Cheers

Same to me.
I have been work on Fiverr almost 9 years this year.
And so far, I never complaint about any features fiverr applied, even it's hard to adapt.

But for this one, I do feel the same.
Counting it as 2 years back will be so not fair that it can impact our performance.

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1 minute ago, gunawanguan said:

I have been work on Fiverr almost 9 years this year.
And so far, I never complaint about any features fiverr applied, even it's hard to adapt.

But for this one, I do feel the same.
Counting it as 2 years back will be so not fair that it can impact our performance.

But what would you prefer? That it counted 9 years? That it counted 1 year? 60 days? Why?

A line has to be drawn somewhere.

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