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Hello there brothers & sisters. I hope you all are holding up well. I am new to this platform. Although I have been actively working in the tech sector for quite a while but fiverr is completely new to me. So I would like to learn from the verterans, that how do you guys stay active on fiverr to maximize the possibility of wrapping in more orders? 

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1 hour ago, priyank_mod said:

I'm not a veteran on the platform but staying active on Fiverr doesn't maximize the possibility of anything!! 🤦‍♂️


It might help in certain cases. For example, if someone needs a bug fixed, they're likely to look for sellers who are available right now to solve the problem. That's legit. There are also those with poor time management skills (or their clients have poor time management skills) who need something done urgently, but those tend to be awful clients.

And there are also cases when a buyer doesn't care who does the job, as long as it's done fast and cheap (say, background removal), and in that case, whoever responds first to the buyer's message is likely to get the job.

Other than that (services that are typically needed urgently, or services that just about anyone offering them could do), staying online doesn't matter. I get most of my orders when I'm offline.

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I'm not a veteran on the platform but staying active on Fiverr doesn't maximize the possibility of anything!! 🤦‍♂️


People come online when they have work and after that.... We all have lives and precious sleep to catch on to!! 





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