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Level 2 Sellers can Now Combine Multiples and Gig Extras


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So now maybe you can give level ones the option of adding more than 2 extras?

I’ve had to specifically change extras to deal with requests, and encountered confusion from buyers having to put “OR” in an extra of the same price.

That would be lovely, and so organized.

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This is stupidly implemented. I have a translation gig with extras for bigger orders and I just can’t translate 100.000 words in the same timeframe as 1.000 words. Give us an option to multiply the additional time as well, if an extra is selected multiple times.

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I was super exited about this, until I actually had a buyer try and use it. Why is there a requirement of base gigs being equal to the quantity of extras? I can understand the 1x base quantity but when ordering 4 gig extras the base quantity gets set to 4, so 4 gigs plus 4 $20 extras is =$100, when really the buyer just wants to add on 4 extras to make the order $85. This is just another pain in the a$$.

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