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How early payout work on fiverr?

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Fiverr give this exclusive offer to some people who fiverr trust and think they can utilise this early payout valuable.

Some times ago fiverr launched a feature for those who have  plus membership, they can get paid in 7 days instead of 14 days. but as an addition fiverr also give an option to the freelancers about this early payout system which work on take payment before 7 days also.

In this early payout scenario  there are some barriers e.g. your client must have to accept that order, you can take the amount after 48 hours, you have to pay 1% extra fees to get this amount. but still this is a very great opportunity for those who want to get paid early and fullfill there needs.


Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 18.25.57.png

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Top Rated Sellers get access to payouts after seven days instead of the usual 14. This is also available to people in seller plus.

Early payout seems to come and go, I have a feeling there is a threshold based on the number of orders awaiting payout or something as it seeems to go away when business is slow.

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15 minutes ago, andywarburton said:

Early payout seems to come and go, I have a feeling there is a threshold based on the number of orders awaiting payout or something as it seeems to go away when business is slow.

Pretty sure it has to do with your overall success score and performance. I can only assume profiles with bad performance don't have access to it. But it can also be random. In general, every time I needed it, the feature was there. 

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On 1/25/2024 at 4:42 PM, andywarburton said:

Early payout seems to come and go

Fiverr did mention that our eligibility could change on a daily basis, and for any reason:

Access to Early Payout is based on the Seller Plus ToS:



And Seller Plus ToS states that this eligibility can change from time to time and Fiverr reserves the right to change how they determine eligibility (so we did confirm with them last time it was related to performance, as @donnovan86 mentioned, but it could change):





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