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Not getting orders.


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Hi, Everyone!

I'm Alyna,

Hope Everyone is doing well!

I am a level one seller. I am a good seller on Fiverr but I don't know why I don't get any work from any client for some time. Can anyone advise me what should I do? I'm really worried about this.

Looking Forward,

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One of your last reviews was very negative, and people might be detered from working with you. 

Try to create new gigs, offer deals, think about ways to grab people's attention and show them that the previous bad review was just a one time issue, not the norm.

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1 hour ago, alynag7 said:

Hi, Everyone!

I'm Alyna,

Hope Everyone is doing well!

I am a level one seller. I am a good seller on Fiverr but I don't know why I don't get any work from any client for some time. Can anyone advise me what should I do? I'm really worried about this.

Looking Forward,

You might have to wait for a couple of months before everything gets back to normal (because of last negative review). So keep patience and try to engage with old clients in the meanwhile. 
You may learn new things and consider to upgrade your skills as well.

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