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What is this Value for Money metric that is upsetting my apple cart?


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Good day,

I hope the community is well. I must say, something is either wrong with Fiverr's metric system or the buyer feedback experience is now wack to say the least. I have buyers who are more than happy, over the top pleased along with repeat clients all leaving 4.7. It would not be an issue if it wasn't for Fiverr requiring near perfection in order to maintain certain levels or ranks. 

I can absorb this for now but eventually this will be a huge issue.

I recently saw the feedback metric has different words and criteria with one being 'value for money' which is the one that always seems lower during feedback and I can't help but think something has gone wrong behind closed doors. I am not even sure why that is even a metric to consider, what was wrong with the previous ones? Why is every change seemingly a way to break down sellers? 

Is it just me or are others experiencing similar?


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14 minutes ago, dfenty said:

I can absorb this for now but eventually this will be a huge issue.

I recently saw the feedback metric has different words and criteria with one being 'value for money' which is the one that always seems lower during feedback and I can't help but think something has gone wrong behind closed doors.

An updated level system is coming.

However, this review system you are seeing with the value for money, it's going to become permanent soon. So yeah, this will be permanent and it will affect everyone. There are too many people with perfect scores and in most cases, they just try to manipulate the system, cancel orders and stuff like that. This new rating system is meant to offer a more realistic look at how people are rated. So yeah.. you can expect to see more and more of those 4.0, 4.3, 3.7 or 4.7 reviews. 

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