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After doing the hard work of completing an order, the next step is to deliver it. Though this is the final step, it is a critically important one. 

To successfully deliver your order and avoid any issues, it's essential to consider two crucial aspects. 

Avoid a false delivery by always including an attachment in your final delivery

False deliveries occur when a seller prematurely delivers a product though it is incomplete. An example of this is delivering partial work so that the order is not marked as late. To avoid being flagged for a false delivery, be sure to always include an attachment that shows the completed product.

While this may be straightforward for certain services such as graphic design or writing, it could pose a challenge for projects completed on external platforms, such as running digital ads or creating websites. In such cases, attaching a screenshot or screen recording that showcases the work is an excellent option. 

Since an attachment is the best way to show tangible proof that the commissioned work was completed and delivered on time, you should be careful to never skip this step. Failure to include an attachment can lead to a warning, or even worse, a cancellation of the entire order.

Ask for feedback while staying within the Terms of Service

There's a common misconception that sellers cannot request reviews from buyers after completing an order. This is not true! We understand the importance of reviews for your success and we encourage you to ask for honest feedback from your customers. 

What’s important to keep in mind when asking for feedback from a buyer, however, is to avoid engaging in feedback manipulation. 

What is feedback manipulation? This is when you go beyond requesting a review and directly or indirectly ask your buyer to leave a favorable review. Examples of this include asking buyers to remove reviews or coaching them on what to say. Engaging in such behavior may result in a warning, potential demotion, or temporary suspension.

Having put in the hard work, ensure you don't stumble in the final stages. Always include an attachment and refrain from feedback manipulation. By keeping these aspects in mind, you can steer clear of canceled orders and warnings. This can help you continue to have a successful and rewarding experience on the platform.

If you have any further questions on how to ensure that you’re staying within our Terms of Service while delivering your order, please let us know!

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1 hour ago, Kesha said:

Avoid a false delivery by always including an attachment in your final delivery

Thanks for making this post, @Kesha!

It seems like most sellers who do get warnings for incomplete deliveries are those who complete projects on external platforms (and who only include links). In their case, they just need to include a screenshot/attachment of their work on the external platform to be considered compliant.

There are other sellers who claimed they received the warning because in their second or third delivery, they only sent the revised work (and didn't include all the files/media they sent in the first delivery). To clarify - each delivery must be treated as a standalone delivery. Not only does each delivery need to include an attachment .... each delivery must include ALL attachments necessary for that standalone delivery to be considered complete.

For example, in one of my orders for curriculum development, I delivered new hire training with five training modules. The buyer requested revisions on three of the five training modules. Once the revisions were completed, I made a second delivery with all five training modules - two modules that were unchanged and three modules that were revised according to the buyer's revision request.

I believe that if I had only attached the three revised modules (and just mentioned Delivery #1 with the other two modules), the delivery would have been considered incomplete. @Kesha, is this correct?

1 hour ago, Kesha said:

Ask for feedback while staying within the Terms of Service

Some sellers may think it's okay to ask a buyer after they gave their review why they gave a lower-than-5-star review (for improvement or clarification purposes). However, this should be avoided because it could be seen as review manipulation and also puts unnecessary pressure on the buyer, who is free to rate their sellers in any way they choose.

Edited by vickieito
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Couldn't Fiverr specify in one of the rule pages if each delivery of revisions has to include all files - even when only some needed to be changed since the last delivery? I do that but it also seems a bit unnecessary really (time/bandwidth-wise, when Fiverr has already received the unchanged files once).

If all need to be included each time (and Fiverr prefers us to use Fiverr than dropbox - where giving the same link to an unchanged file could be much faster - or possibly copying one if it knows the contents are unchanged) couldn't Fiverr add a way to re-add an already sent file (that was used in one delivery) to put it in the revised delivery if necessary (if no changes were needed on that file)? That would save lots of bandwidth and time for big files (since it would just be a reference link - on Fiverr's side - to the originally sent file).

Edited by uk1000
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3 hours ago, vickieito said:

There are other sellers who claimed they received the warning because in their second or third delivery, they only sent the revised work (and didn't include all the files/media they sent in the first delivery). To clarify - each delivery must be treated as a standalone delivery. Not only does each delivery need to include an attachment .... each delivery must include ALL attachments necessary for that standalone delivery to be considered complete.

Yes, it is advised that you include ALL attachments when making that final delivery after any revisions. Failure to do so could result in a partial delivery. 

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2 hours ago, Kesha said:

Yes, it is advised that you include ALL attachments when making that final delivery after any revisions. Failure to do so could result in a partial delivery. 

I think this should be communicated more clearly to sellers. It’s not exactly logical that we have to attach everything again if we are only asked to edit one file when a buyer requests a revision. Many sellers will end up getting warnings for this.

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2 hours ago, Kesha said:

Yes, it is advised that you include ALL attachments when making that final delivery after any revisions

Surely each revision we do could end up being the final delivery, so I assume we need to attach them all on every revision.

So if they're big files (eg. >100 MB each) will Fiverr be changing the system so we don't need to unnecessarily re-upload files that we've already previously uploaded when it could be a couple of seconds to just re-use the same file if Fiverr changed the system.

And re-attaching the same unchanged files is going to be wasting Fiverr's storage too by having duplicates of the same files.

Edited by uk1000
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Thanks @Kesha for the clarification about some misconceptions related to delivery and Feedback.

Sometimes we need to extend the delivery time for ensure the project 100%.

I want to know is there any negative impact for extend the delivery time. 

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21 hours ago, Kesha said:

Always include an attachment

What about the website development category? I presume we have to attach screenshots of the web pages, right? We generally attach a snapshot of the landing page or home page only. But what if there are more than 10 pages and 100 products? Do we have to attach screenshots of all the web and product pages?

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5 hours ago, shuvo_va said:

Thanks @Kesha for the clarification about some misconceptions related to delivery and Feedback.

Sometimes we need to extend the delivery time for ensure the project 100%.

I want to know is there any negative impact for extend the delivery time. 

Want to know also

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Hello! I'm quite new to this platform, having just created my account and set up my profile. While I'm primarily an SEO developer, I'm venturing into translation and recently started offering English-Arabic translation services as a "Translator Gig." However, despite several attempts, I haven't been able to register the gig. Could you please help me understand why this might be happening?

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Hello! I'm quite new to this platform, having just created my account and set up my profile. While I'm primarily an SEO developer, I'm venturing into translation and recently started offering English-Arabic translation services as a "Translator Gig." However, despite several attempts, I haven't been able to register the gig. Could you please help me understand why this might be happening?

Hi! Several different factors could be affecting your ability to start this new gig. I have opened a ticket for you with the CS team so they can look into this issue for you. They will be contacting you soon!

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On 1/20/2024 at 3:18 AM, shuvo_va said:

Thanks @Kesha for the clarification about some misconceptions related to delivery and Feedback.

Sometimes we need to extend the delivery time for ensure the project 100%.

I want to know is there any negative impact for extend the delivery time. 

Hi! @shuvo_va and @rumonmrb! If you will need more time for a delivery you can request an extension. If the buyer accepts that request, and you deliver the order within the new delivery time, you will not be negatively impacted by the extension. 

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On 1/20/2024 at 7:40 AM, hedayetsaadi556 said:

What about the website development category? I presume we have to attach screenshots of the web pages, right? We generally attach a snapshot of the landing page or home page only. But what if there are more than 10 pages and 100 products? Do we have to attach screenshots of all the web and product pages?

To be safe, I would recommend attaching screenshots or a screen recording that shows proof that you completed all the work that you were commissioned to do by the buyer. This will help protect you in case anything goes wrong with the order. 

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1 hour ago, Kesha said:

Hi! @shuvo_va and @rumonmrb! If you will need more time for a delivery you can request an extension. If the buyer accepts that request, and you deliver the order within the new delivery time, you will not be negatively impacted by the extension. 

Thank you.

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thank you for explanation however in some Niche the work is done in steps such as like it is a process.

for example in brand style guides if a buyer order complete package of logo and brand guidelines so it is a stepped process where you will first work on logo and once finalized by buyer then the other stuff can be done so how can we manage such delivery and upload files while that is a stepped process?

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Thanks for the tips! Including a tangible attachment to avoid false deliveries makes perfect sense. I appreciate the reminder to ask for feedback, and it's good to know we can seek honest reviews. Your insights on avoiding feedback manipulation are noted.

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On 1/19/2024 at 2:55 PM, Kesha said:

you should be careful to never skip this step

Many of my gigs are for training, which I deliver within the Fiverr zoom integration, so there is proof the session happened because it is automatically recorded. As such, any person reviewing the order will see very clearly that the session was conducted, even if the recording isn't in the delivery. Will there always be a human checking these, in order to apply common sense to these situations or are they going to be automatically flagged?

If it's automated, I guess I'll have to wait for the recording to process, download it from the Fiverr zoom only to then re-attach it in the deliver window. However, this would seem like a bit of an unnecessary step, seeing as all parties (buyer, seller and Fiverr) can refer back to the recording and see that the work was done.

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  • 2 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, collinsconsult said:

When requesting for the review, will saying something like "Kindly or please don't forget to rate your experience working with us" sound unacceptable?

There’s nothing wrong with saying that but I would avoid the word “kindly”, as it’s usually used by scammers. Just say “please”.

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On 1/19/2024 at 6:55 AM, Kesha said:

After doing the hard work of completing an order, the next step is to deliver it. Though this is the final step, it is a critically important one. 

To successfully deliver your order and avoid any issues, it's essential to consider two crucial aspects. 

Avoid a false delivery by always including an attachment in your final delivery

False deliveries occur when a seller prematurely delivers a product though it is incomplete. An example of this is delivering partial work so that the order is not marked as late. To avoid being flagged for a false delivery, be sure to always include an attachment that shows the completed product.

While this may be straightforward for certain services such as graphic design or writing, it could pose a challenge for projects completed on external platforms, such as running digital ads or creating websites. In such cases, attaching a screenshot or screen recording that showcases the work is an excellent option. 

Since an attachment is the best way to show tangible proof that the commissioned work was completed and delivered on time, you should be careful to never skip this step. Failure to include an attachment can lead to a warning, or even worse, a cancellation of the entire order.

Ask for feedback while staying within the Terms of Service

There's a common misconception that sellers cannot request reviews from buyers after completing an order. This is not true! We understand the importance of reviews for your success and we encourage you to ask for honest feedback from your customers. 

What’s important to keep in mind when asking for feedback from a buyer, however, is to avoid engaging in feedback manipulation. 

What is feedback manipulation? This is when you go beyond requesting a review and directly or indirectly ask your buyer to leave a favorable review. Examples of this include asking buyers to remove reviews or coaching them on what to say. Engaging in such behavior may result in a warning, potential demotion, or temporary suspension.

Having put in the hard work, ensure you don't stumble in the final stages. Always include an attachment and refrain from feedback manipulation. By keeping these aspects in mind, you can steer clear of canceled orders and warnings. This can help you continue to have a successful and rewarding experience on the platform.

If you have any further questions on how to ensure that you’re staying within our Terms of Service while delivering your order, please let us know!

Find helpful

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/20/2024 at 1:29 AM, Kesha said:

Yes, it is advised that you include ALL attachments when making that final delivery after any revisions. Failure to do so could result in a partial delivery. 

very very benifitted for your information

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