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Project Management Integration

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I am a "programmer" (I use the term loosely, because what I really do is write automation scripts), and I am currently juggling 2 projects, 2 repeat customers that are looking for new offers from me, as well as several potential customers. The problem is that the Fiverr messaging system alone is a terrible way to try and mange projects. I can't even search message content, which means I leave money on the table when I can't go back to find clients who requested things in the past that were not possible then, but now thanks to AI, they are possible.

So I'd like to suggest, for an added fee, you integrate something like Monday.com into your product, which will allow us to track ongoing and past projects in such a way that it makes us more efficient and helps us make Fiverr more money.

If you can't or won't integrate more project management tools into your platform, can you at least make messages SEARCHABLE, you know, like how I was able to search for messages in email back in the 90's!




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I totally get where you're coming from. Juggling multiple projects and clients can feel like herding cats sometimes, especially when the tools you're using aren't up to snuff. I've been in your shoes, trying to wrangle everything through Fiverr's messaging system, and it can be a real headache.

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Integrating a project management tool like Monday.com sounds like a game-changer. Having a centralized hub to track projects, communicate with clients, and search through past conversations would make life so much easier. It's all about efficiency, right? And I hear you on the searchable messages front. It's mind-boggling that in this day and age, we're still stuck with an archaic system that doesn't let us easily find what we need. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is on fire and the needle is invisible. And if you're ever looking to streamline your backend processes, definitely check out Xano Backend. It's like magic for no code database. It's not just about making our lives easier; it's about helping us deliver better results for our clients and ultimately making more money for everyone involved.

Edited by barnie_olson
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