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Promoted Gigs: Gigs Showing as Unqualified



Once in awhile during slow times I will promote a gig or two. However, today I noticed my gigs are showing up as greyed out and marked "Unqualified." When I hover over unqualified it reads: "This gig cannot be promoted right now, due to possible quality issues." 


I have 5 star ratings on this gig. What can I do here?

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1 answer to this question

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If it says "This gig cannot be promoted right now, due to possible quality issues." but the gig has 5 stars it might be due to the (average) private ratings that buyers can give (which might be what counts towards the buyer satisfaction rate/value?).

You could check the help pages about it, eg:



and try to keep the private ratings/buyer satisfaction rate high as well as the public ratings.


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