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2 of My Best gigs are not in their place in rating Filter


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Hi, today i weekup and i check my gigs but i found that my 2 gigs who are in the 1st page ib filter rating are now in the 3rd and 4th page ,and other gigs which are not as googd as mine in number of sales and rating feedback are in the first page in filter rating ,normaly “rating filter” show the best gigs !!!

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I believe they are on rotation to make the site a fairer place exposure-wise. Mixing up the first few pages within a certain bracket of achievement so others see business too.

(E.g. I have five star feedback too and am capable of the work but am left with no traffic because buyers don’t want to scroll through to compare when filters are telling them who to buy from. So long-timers get gigs queuing up and gigs like mine wait in the background.)

There are THOUSANDS of jobs on Fiverr and only, what, 20 spaces on the highest rated filter page? This kind of shuffling is the only way some other sellers are going to get exposure and work. It’s a smart move by the website to keep seller numbers up.

There are people who have been sitting on 4th pages for the last month with the same ratings and numbers as those on the front lists in some sections, which is very unfair when it comes to earned exposure. Relax, you said your ratings haven’t dropped and nothing has gone wrong with them, so they will definitely reappear there eventually.

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