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Why am i not getting breifs in my account?


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I just turned my briefs button back on after having it disabled almost all of last year. So, we'll see. If I don't hear anything by the end of February, it's going back off again. 

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On 2/4/2024 at 11:27 AM, sagor_expart said:

You need to be on line on fiber 24 hours a day

100% wrong.

On 2/4/2024 at 11:27 AM, sagor_expart said:

and your gig needs to be good to be shorted on a bro account

And what is this?

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I had the same question for a long time. Recently I’ve had an interest in growing. I’m just about to become a level one seller and I was confused why I didn’t get any briefs. Today I added a new gig and updated some old ones and within an hour I had gotten my first brief. If it’s not lacking I’m not going to suggest you change anything but if you think you could improve your gigs I would say edit them and see if anything changes . I’ve also had about twelve sales with all five stars so far so I would also say give it time, I’ve been on fiverr for about two years for reference but I know many sellers only a month or two in with much more sales who get briefs so it all depends on the seller. This is just what worked for me. 

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Bref Matches are based on the compatibility between a buyer’s requirements and your service and expertise. Since buyers are only matched with high-quality sellers, Fiverr uses a wide range of quality criteria that are taken into consideration to determine seller eligibility.

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On 1/14/2024 at 11:33 PM, iko924 said:

Since the breif system started i have never got a breif. Whats the issue?

You should turn on this brief and accept custom orders.

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I haven't gotten a brief in almost a year. Although my metrics are consistent with a top seller. Not one at all.
I've tried asking support about this. But they just copy their blanks about "smart system" that selects who to send them to.
I refuse to believe that in a year I haven't matched any of the flimsiest briefs. It's more like a pretty consistent policy of discrimination against some sellers by Fiverr.

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On 2/5/2024 at 9:31 AM, shakilanabi said:

What is this "brief" all about?? 🙄🙄 can anyone explain please?

As Fiverr's new "Get Briefs" feature allows sellers to set their rates and get matched with clients based on their briefs, providing buyers with the option to find the best seller for their needs.

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On 2/2/2024 at 10:58 PM, wordpress_zones said:

You will get. wait for it. I have got brief suddenly after 6 months. 

Same problem. I didn't received any brief last 6

On 2/2/2024 at 10:58 PM, wordpress_zones said:

You will get. wait for it. I have got brief suddenly after 6 months. 

months. what is the issue.

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You do not have enough sales in your gig, so I think that is the reason you're not getting a brief, or maybe there is another reason behind it. My suggestion is to search in the forum about this problem. I think you will find the solution because there are already multiple topics created based on the Fiverr brief.

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7 hours ago, iko924 said:

one of my friend also have same problem , who is a level 2 seller & making sales regularly but does not gets any breifs , i dont think it has anything to do with sales. thanks though

Then contact the Fiverr Customer Support Team and tell them everything that you're facing; they will guide you well.

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Fiverr brief is like five dollar brief means 5 dollar order if any service matches your service you can get order notification.

Everyone has a brief option but I understand why you are not getting it

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3 hours ago, developerlikhon said:

You do not have enough sales in your gig, so I think that is the reason you're not getting a brief, or maybe there is another reason behind it. My suggestion is to search in the forum about this problem. I think you will find the solution because there are already multiple topics created based on the Fiverr brief.

one of my friend also have same problem , who is a level 2 seller & making sales regularly but does not gets any breifs , i dont think it has anything to do with sales. thanks though

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