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I want cancel my order



Hi a client just started an order without telling me. Was 5$ only. But she is not satisfied from the work as well i revised many time. Now i want to cancel my order but i am afraid because i am getting seller one badge in few days. Did this cancellation effect my promotion or not?

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If you already marked the order as delivered, even if you cancel, your buyer can leave a review. Yes, canceled orders can also be reviewed if the order was delivered. 

Regardless of the situation, a cancellation will affect your stats. I don't know if the cancellation will affect your promotion or not, because it depends on how many orders you had, what other stuff was canceled, etc. But it will definitely affect your stats, that's a certainty. 

The problem is that no matter if you refund or not, the buyer can still leave a review, since you already delivered the work. So you might be prone to receiving a bad private/public review. Private reviews are the worst because a bad private review can really push you back in search for many months. 

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