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Posted (edited)

Hi. I had a major synopsis writing gig that Fiverr removed awhile ago because they claimed the video I used for the gig, violated their TOS. I asked how, and they'd never tell me. But told me the gig was deleted on their end, and could not be resurrected. Yet as of tonight, I was doing some editing to my slate of gigs and when I went to the 'view my profile page,' my synopsis gig oddly reappeared. Below is a screenshot for proof. I can't access the gig, because when I click the link, it says the page was removed (no longer exists). But I can play the video if I click the button shown in the graphic. I find it bizarre that it just 'showed back up' complete with rating, reviews, and other information. If I could get the gig back actually? That would be much appreciated. I'd gladly take down the offending video (also shown below).



Edited by nickj2013
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