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Average response time



2 answers to this question

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The average response time is calculated based on the last 60 days. Your average (inbox) response time will increase if:

1) You took longer than you previously did to respond to inbox messages (in the last 60 days) or

2) Faster responses by you to earlier messages went outside the 60 day window that it uses, leaving you with just the higher average response time messages in the window it checks.

3) Both of the above

You could check this page: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011451678-Everything-you-need-to-know-about-response-time-rate

You could also manually check how long it took you on average to respond to messages in the last 60 days by checking your responses in the inbox (eg. calculate the total response time for all your responses within the last 60 days and divide by the total number or responses for the last 60 days). Ideally Fiverr would show a breakdown of how the response time has been calculated from your messages but they don't. But if you think it's incorrect you could contact CS to have them check it/fix it if incorrect.

Edited by uk1000
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