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hi i wanted to ask , 

Does running a buyer promotion effect  promtoted gigs performance ? 

for example i just started running a buyer promotion on one of my main gig , and since i started using first time buyer promotions  service  i have stopped getting orders from my promoted gig service ? like its surprise but i was curious do they effect the placement of gigs or something like that ?

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3 answers to this question

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That is something only Fiverr knows. No seller can provide you with an accurate answer. In my opinion, based on my experience with this feature, I don't think that it has any effect on your promoted gigs. Your promoted gigs are shown as an ad to your potential buyers, in their inbox. So if you are using a new buyer coupon, it can't affect your gig ad. It is something that comes into play once the buyer clicks on your ad. Are you getting clicks on your promoted gigs? If so, then it is okay.

There can be various other factors that can affect your promoted gig performance, like your conversion rate, your conversion time, your on-time delivery rate, and your public and private reviews on the promoted gig orders. So make sure you keep these metrics up, and things will start looking better again.

(Note: The above opinion is not an official statement, it is based on my knowledge and experience.)

Good luck 🙂

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On 1/6/2024 at 2:32 PM, mariaxcreations said:

Does running a buyer promotion effect  promtoted gigs performance ? 

Hi @mariaxcreations,

I'm Tom, the Product Manager of Promoted Gigs at Fiverr's headquarters. 

There is no direct connection between "Buyer Promotion" and "Promoted Gigs".

"Buyer Promotion" can change your Gig's overall conversion rate, hopefully for the best. Your Gig's conversion rate will have a similar impact both on organic traffic (regular impressions) and paid traffic (Promoted Gigs), along with additional metrics that indicate your Gig's relevance and quality. 



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