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Can I ask my Client to showcase their project in my portfolio on Fiverr?



Fiverr doesn't support asking for a review, which makes sense. However, what about showcasing their project in my portfolio? Can I request permission from my client for this? Or could asking for this also potentially cause issues with my account?

As I haven't requested this before, I only have one portfolio available in my account where I have received 11 5-star reviews. Should I request it? What steps can I take to enhance my portfolio showcase? Please assist me in understanding the correct approach.

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2 answers to this question

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Certainly! Whether or not you can showcase your client's project in your portfolio on Fiverr depends on the terms and conditions you agreed upon with your client. Here are some general steps to consider:

  1. Review your Agreement: Check the agreement or contract you have with your client. Some clients may have specific clauses regarding confidentiality or the use of the work in portfolios.

  2. Seek Permission: If your agreement doesn't explicitly address the use of the project in your portfolio, it's a good practice to ask your client for permission. You can explain that showcasing the project will help you demonstrate your skills and attract more clients.

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