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Inbox Response Time drop and there is why! Why Fiverr doesn't give proper updates?



I'm super frustrated with the way Fiverr drops out their updates without any info before it and we are figuring it out only when something went wrong. 

Apparently, Fiver changed the way Inbox Response Time is calculated - previously it was only a first-time message from the new buyer but currently, they are changing it to
"Response time tracks all responses, not just the first message from the buyer." You can read more about it here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011451678-Everything-you-need-to-know-about-response-time-rate 

And the only way I figured it out was by accident from one of my blog followers.  

My question is why the communication between sellers and platforms is so pure? Couldn't Fiverr create like weekly digest where they will write down all the news coming to Fiverr, especially a list a few days before it dropped, or just in general what was changed? I am a seller left with constant fear of missing something, skipping some deadlines or some answers to messages to not get a bad review and Fiverr could at least send like digest email to make my life easier as they do with different sorts of promotions.

What do you think about this change and the way Fiverr communicates about their updates and new features?

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Poor updates, they do not improve the experience of working with the platform. Especially in terms of response time. Come up with some other system to evaluate the effectiveness of the response. Why do I have to send meaningless emoticons or messages with no meaning just to have the last word when the dialog is already over?

It's a shame that the two most famous freelance platforms are almost monopolists. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to accept any changes that worsen our experience as freelancers.
So, we work and wait for some new, more friendly platform to appear. So far, there are more disappointments with each update.

And the fact that there's not even a digest... well, we don't need to know, let's keep it a surprise :)

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