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Do I cancel the gig?


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I had a user buy a gig from me over almost a day ago. It was one of my 24hr gigs. They never submitted their information to start the gig, and I have nudged them and sent them a message…but still no response. The clock never started ticking (says fiverr), but what do I do? Is this going to affect me as a seller? Will my gig/response time be affected? Should I cancel the gig?

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Unless they do not post instructions on the order page, the gig does not start. I think you don’t need to worry about at all. As soon as they submit information, start immediately to complete the gig. You may ask again if they had ordered it by mistake.

Your gig/response time should not be affected. It should not affect you as a seller if the gig is mutually cancelled.

Wish you good luck 🙂

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Do not worry about these at all. First they order your gig, then they receive your 2nd message which is your instructions. The clock does not start until they submit that information. I Literally have at least 34 of these sitting in my “New Order” folder. One user ordered every gig I had but never submitted information. Strange…But doesn’t really matter.

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