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Seller BLOCKED me for what?


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Does not this looks obvious that this is same seller whom I have chat with? This seller blocked me within a few message tells it is his/her second or other seller profile.

Is not this obvious that these are same sellers who are creating and having multiple seller profiles without being noticed or even no actions are taken by Fiverr?

I hardly asked the seller to provide some sample works and he/she just blocked me. Which means this seller knows me already without first contact.


Thanks to fiverr's ignorance! I am leaving this platform once I get my refund (if it ever happens as they promise)...


Seller Blocked me.png

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49 minutes ago, avneeth100ms said:

I hardly asked the seller to provide some sample works and he/she just blocked me. Which means this seller knows me already without first contact.

You haven't said what type of gigs the seller had, but maybe they didn't want to give you samples. Or if you have a high cancellation rate and the seller had seller plus membership maybe he could see the high cancellation rate and didn't want to risk a cancellation. We probably haven't seen the full conversation because in the message you're not asking for samples from a specific gig.

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40 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

We probably haven't seen the full conversation because in the message you're not asking for samples from a specific gig.

That's what I felt as well.

@avneeth100ms, you might not know, but there are a LOT of people who steal samples from sellers. One of the biggest red flags (for me personally) is the way a lot of those people write to us. I'm guessing that you started the convo by explaining what you wanted, but 'samples please' could easily trigger someone who's been fooled.

But I'm curious - why do you think it's the same seller as before? Did you have a bad experience with someone else?

You could be right, but it could be two different sellers, it's honestly hard to tell. 


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2 hours ago, avneeth100ms said:

Does not this looks obvious that this is same seller whom I have chat with? This seller blocked me within a few message tells it is his/her second or other seller profile.

Not necessarily. Could be sellers who talk to each other, and warn each other about possibly problematic buyers.

Or, even more likely, they decided to check you out while they were talking to you, and they've noticed that the only review you left so far is 1 star.

I find it difficult to imagine that anyone would want to work with you after seeing that. It's not worth the risk.

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