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What are you wishes for 2024?


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On 11/26/2023 at 6:41 PM, Yoav.M said:

Hello all distinguished freelancers 🙂

As we approach the end of this year, we are interested in hearing from you!

What your aspirations, desires and needs are from our platform, in order to ensure your continued growth and success with us next year as well?

What topics would you like us to focus-on, and broaden your education regarding them, in order to support you and contribute more added value to you?

Please feel free to share your thoughts, express your opinions and ideas...

I'll try to hit 1M mark this Year, last 2 years on Fiverr were amazing!!

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General Fiverr wishes: I hope my friends continue to make sales. I hope The Wordsmiths Club on Fiverr continues to grow. I hope I can find out what @uk1000 does with all their RAM (although maybe that's top secret, in which case, sorry for being nosy 😅). I hope that @mariashtelle1 returns to the forum.

Education-wise: I'd like to see a constant drip of content from Fiverr, aimed at newer forum users, that attempts to get them to develop a business mindset. Unfortunately, a large number of people on the forum treat their business more like a Playstation game than a business, trying to succeed by finding the correct combination of useless hacks rather than by meeting needs and communicating that to potential customers.

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6 hours ago, rrauwl said:

I aspire to grow my Fiverr affiliate site activity, so I can bring more people to Fiverr Learn, and to the great gigs that my fellow freelancers offer.

That means I have a need that the platform doesn't currently support: A system to hand off referrals to a fellow Fiverr freelancer using my affiliate codes. Right now that system is impersonal and ineffective (using affiliate codes based on referral URLs).

We need a referral system baked right into the platform, so that we can vet solutions for our clients and hand them directly off to fellow freelancers, while earning a percentage as a Fiverr affiliate. There should be a three way chat available where we can directly introduce our client to the freelancer, before bowing out. That will increase client satisfaction and keep more work on the platform.

I appreciate your dedication to growing Fiverr affiliate site activity and your insightful suggestion for a more personalized referral system, which would undoubtedly enhance client satisfaction and keep more work on the platform.

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Fiverr holds a significant place in my life, and achieving the status of a top-rated seller is a personal aspiration. Despite being eligible for this distinction for a year, I have yet to receive the coveted badge. Nevertheless, I remain steadfast in my commitment to this platform, and I extend my best wishes to all fellow sellers on their respective journeys.

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Hello Yoav,

Trust everyone is doing great.

I have been working on fiverr since 2018. I aim to be top rated seller before 2023 end.

I wish all of new seller to work more effectively to satisfy your buyer. Just focus of buyer satisfaction, money will walk through all the way.

Thank you

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I would love to see Top Rated Sellers highlighted, similar to a Fiverr’s Choice but on a deeper level. Hand pick a Top Rated Seller and ask them questions to uncover honest and thoughtful answers. I don’t think the community truly understands what being a Top Rated Seller means. It would be lovely to hear raw and honest stories from a TRS to empower other sellers to be kind, hard working and empathetic towards everyone on Fiverr. Not just how to improve ratings and get more sales but uncover the stories that promote authentic people who have families, hardships and still manage to make it work despite difficult circumstances and trauma. These are the stories that inspire me to keep working hard because I value the worldwide presence of Fiverr and would love to know more about overcoming the challenges of life. We all have families and different reasons for freelancing and learning about other TRS would be so empowering. Grinding through the grit of life is what drives many to be a Top Rated Seller.

I was on a Zoom call with a wonderful buyer who lives in Israel. His daughter was home and I saw her in the background because it was too dangerous to go to school. Despite the insurmountable hardship, he was still trying to work and create projects even in the midst of daily trauma. I think of this often and it keeps me going when I think I am having a rough day. 

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I've been a seller on Fiverr for about four years now. It's my go-to platform for work, but I've got a few suggestions for making it even better.

So, as a freelancer bouncing around time zones, it's a struggle when clients hit me up late at night. I can't always shoot back a quick reply because I'm sleeping, and it ends up affecting my response time. 

Oh, and I like the idea of having the ability to block orders from clients who drop an order without sending a message first, as another freelancer suggested here. 

And can we do something about spam?

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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Thanks for having our suggestions for Fiverr new features.

There are several problems Sellers are facing here.

1. In the meeting feature, there should be a methong like Calendly. For example, we need to schedule a meeting with any buyer - First we need to discuss the availablity of buyer/Seller and there is a difference of timezone too.

and sometimes they ask for the link to join the meeting in a scheduled time.

A better and suggested way is to add a functionality in meeting button, so we are able to schedule the meeting with fiverr and that scheduled meeting invite needs to send to their email. So we don't miss the potential customers by not visiting the Fiverr. I hope it makes sense.

2. There are many buyers, that don't have Fiverr apps or If they do have fiverr app, they don't timely provide the responses. So there should be a way, Buyers should come and reply to the Sellers messages.

For example, Order is in que - We provide any first draft of the work as per discussed time. We keep messaging them, but they don't response. And such kind of thing delays the work and ultimately results in reducing our analytics. So there should be an automated way, So we (Sellers) don't be effected with these things.

If the sellers are responsive - the Buyer needs to be responsive too. On Fiverr, Buyer always have the right to do anything and seller don't.


There should be equal rights of Buyers and Sellers. Because We're giving 20% fees to Fiverr, and Buyers are providing somehow 10%.


So these kinda features needs to be implemented in a better way for a Win win situation for Both Buyers and Sellers.


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Here's some wishes/ideas for things Fiverr could do for 2024:

* Fiverr could add back the skill test results on the Seller profiles (after the re-design it's not showing them). It would help buyers see sellers' skills in the relevant subjects - and that was one of the main reasons for adding the skill tests in the first place. If some sellers were cheating on the tests and that was the reason for removing them - A) it's probably obvious when cheating was involved and B) They could change to different tests that make it more difficult to cheat, which could be tests that are more cost effective if the current ones cost Fiverr too much per test, so they could still re-add them.

* Fiverr could allow users to set up some sort of office hours and maybe take that into account for average response times (eg. Avg Response Time (during office hours): 1 hour, Avg Response Time (outside office hours): 4 hours, or maybe it could just show the office hours avg response time, or maybe it could divide the 24 hours into a certain number of hours so give a better avg response time to the buyer if they messaged at that time (eg. "Avg Response Time if messaged now: x hours", and "Avg Response Time if messaged now: y hours (this may be longer as the seller is currently out of office)".

And it could mention to buyers that send a message that the seller if it's currently out of the seller's office hours (so messages may take longer to be replied to).

* Fiverr users often say on the Fiverr forum that they're active on Fiverr but not getting orders. Others say that being active doesn't help (except maybe for when people search with the online filter or check the green online indicator), but maybe in 2024 Fiverr could add some basic paid tasks for sellers to opt to do during times when they don't have active orders, even if they weren't as much $ as their normal gigs.

* Fiverr could change the way the checking of orders algorithm works so users don't get false account warnings given automatically like some seller have reported happening - or change how they can be disputed, giving the seller full info on the exact reasons why it was thought they did something wrong (and not warn the seller if it was just the buyer that seemed to do something wrong).

* Fiverr could add the "negative keywords" field for all sellers, not just seller plus members, if it would help the site as a whole (eg. save buyer being sent to irrelevant gigs for what they are searching for).

* Fiverr could add an AI for sellers in 2024 that could check your skills, gigs and make suggestions (eg. for new gigs, at what prices, what categories etc.), answer questions based on your gigs, messages etc (an AI about orders/messages was suggested by another seller in the suggestions section).

* There could be new webinars and articles/blogs/staff threads about the current in-demand services and AI topics (but for AI related services, Fiverr could say more about the copyright issues/lawsuits and what things can be used with no copyright risk (like Adobe Firefly?), or maybe Fiverr (like Adobe) could offer some sort of copyright indemnification for their AI subcategories to reduce risk to sellers there (because of the lawsuits against some of the main AI generator companies, like Stability AI, Midjourney, ChatGPT).

* Maybe in 2024 Fiverr could bring back something like Buyer Requests (but it could be different, with something more to make sure requests/offers are high quality and reasonable prices). It could also help sellers see what the demand was for different services (especially if they could specify the categories, even if they didn't have gigs there yet).

* Hopefully in 2024 Fiverr could make sending an offer for a re-activated gig faster so buyers won't be kept waiting if they want an order using that gig (like was suggested by me in a different thread).

* They could reduce the price of one or more tiers of Seller Plus or add a 3rd, cheaper tier and maybe change the way the top tier works (so you don't need to have a phone call of about 30 mins with a seller plus manager to be able to select one. You could just select the right one).

* In 2024 Fiverr could add an additional seller level between level 2 and TRS if it would help sellers/buyers.

* They could also change the revisions work and add more of a limit to the number of free ones they can request on an order (and charge the set fee for additional ones, at least if it wasn't for something that was a mistake of the seller). Though maybe more could be added to the revision section (eg. so revision requests that need a lot more work could cost more than changes that can be done quickly).

On 12/6/2023 at 1:23 PM, ahmwritingco said:

. I hope I can find out what @uk1000 does with all their RAM (although maybe that's top secret, in which case, sorry for being nosy 😅)

It's probably mostly because of After Effects working better with more RAM 🙂 (depending on the project), eg. their RAM preview but also the other sections like rendering etc. help with having more RAM, as well as ability to have other apps open at the same time (eg. could have a 2nd version of AE open too if a buyer different messages about a different project). But AE can still give low memory messages occasionally even with 256 GB RAM.

Edited by uk1000
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