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A Dive into Buyer Briefs 🆚 Final Logos #4

Logo Maker Team

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Hey there creative minds! We’re back again to dig into the connection between what buyers are searching for and the brilliant logos they end up with. We're all about getting inside their heads and decoding their search terms and briefs to get what makes them tick. 


We’re sharing our insights to help designers (that means you!) step up your game and achieve ongoing improvement. The better you get, the more sales opportunities open up. 


Check out our latest juicy findings for a dose of inspiration for your next killer designs! 🚀


Please note: The brand names mentioned below have been modified to ensure the confidentiality of our purchasers.


Buyer #1

What They Briefed:

Name: Spectrum 

Slogan: Embrace your colors

Industries: Retail and Wholesale

Tags: colors, rainbow, people


What They Ultimately Selected:


Designed by ra_logodesign


Buyer #2

What They Briefed:


Slogan: (empty)

Industries: Furniture Store, Services Maintenance and Installation, Cleaning Services

Tags: cleaning, organization


What They Ultimately Selected:


Designed by tomtypography


Buyer #3

What They Briefed:


Slogan: (empty)

Industry: Landscape Design

Tag: (empty)


What They Ultimately Selected:

Note:  The buyer chose to edit the design by inverting the colors and adding a thin line under the brand name.


Designed by fransprasetyo


Buyer #4

What They Briefed:

Name: Ai Reporter

Slogan: Artificial intelligence discoveries

Industries: Tech Blog or Channel

Tag: (empty)


What They Ultimately Selected:


Designed by gunawanguan

Buyer #5

What They Briefed:

Name: Jeniffer L

Slogan: Voice Over Artist

Industry: Voice Over Artist

Tag: audio waves, headphones, microphone, chihuahua


What They Ultimately Selected:


Designed by lamonastudio

Buyer #6

What They Briefed:

Name: The Charisma Union

Slogan: (empty)

Industries: Mental Health Care Services, Teaching and Lecturing

Tags: sankofa, african, earthy, African traditional religion, spirituality, yoga


What They Ultimately Selected:

Note: The buyer chose to edit the variation, changing the colors of the logo and arching the text


Designed by tariklogodesign


Buyer #7

What They Briefed:

Name: Rewired not Expired

Slogan: Writing innovation 

Industries: Mental Health Care Services

Tags: brain, coffee


What They Ultimately Selected:

Note: The buyer chose to edit the variation, changing the colors of the logo and bolding the brand name


Designed by mrtranscendence


Buyer #8

What They Briefed:

Name: Yellow Chef

Slogan: From the kitchen to you

Industries: Food and Beverage, Food and Beverage Blog or Channel, Indian Restaurant

Tags: cooking, lemon tree, yellow, kitchen, food, taste, culinary


What They Ultimately Selected:


Designed by manucorsi


Buyer #9

What They Briefed:

Name: Icare

Slogan: (Empty)

Industry: Healthcare services

Tag: (Empty)


What They Ultimately Selected:


Designed by yehorkolchyba


Buyer #10

What They Briefed:

Name: Julia Roberts

Slogan: (Empty)

Industries: Jewelry store, Jewelry Manufacturing and Design

Tag: (Empty)


What They Ultimately Selected:


Designed by ink_theory


What do you think about this look at the buyer’s journey on Fiverr? Any insights you're itching to know more about? Spill the beans in the comments section—we’d love to hear from you!


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