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Will pausing one gig hurt impressions for other gigs?


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Hi all,

I just want to make sure I'm not going crazy here, or if anyone else has experienced this. I'm doing fairly decent by my standards in my main niche, however I have a gig in another niche that I am working to expand into (web development). I'm still learning a lot about it and when I get orders for my main niche normally I go in to pause the webdev gig.

The last time I did this, my impressions severely dropped for my main gig. Did I just hit the no-no button?

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2 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

Hi too

Why do you pause your gig whenever you get an order? Any reason?

A lot of it has to do with this is not my main source of income, and I did not want to take on a large project while working something considerably smaller.

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