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Possibility to Change Currency in the Offer!

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I live in Europe, and like 80% of my clients, I use the Euro. I find it quite frustrating that I cannot select the currency at the time of making an offer (it's only in $).

Every time, I lose at least €1 per order (okay, it may not seem like much, but over time, the amount adds up) due to this issue. For example, if I have an offer of €50, I have to set it as $50, which translates to €49 in the final offer. Needless to say, manually calculating the currency exchange is not effective since Fiverr's exchange rate is never updated in real-time.

The risk in doing the conversion myself is that the customer may receive an offer of (following the example above) €51, which turns into an embarrassing situation because it's not the agreed-upon cost.

I believe Fiverr should address this issue

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