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Copyright discussion


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I just reached out to someone about purchasing some illustrations and asked about copyright. They replied, "And for the copyright, we can talk more further about that later we have a deal on the cost." I'm pretty new on Fiverr still, so I don't know if this is normal or not, but I have a bit of an odd feeling about this reply.... Not really sure though. Thoughts?

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If they're not going to tell you about the copyright before you have a deal on the cost then you could contact another seller. Obviously you should know what the copyright status of the delivery will be before agreeing to a price.

Though the seller is supposed to put on their gig any copyright restrictions really and if they don't mention any the copyright is supposed to go to the buyer after delivery. But if the seller isn't being open about copyright before the order and won't tell you whether you'll have the copyright then it's probably too risky to go with them if you need the rights (they probably want to charge you a lot extra for the copyrights when you agree to the price without them).

You could see this section in the TOS : https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service?source=footer



Ownership and limitations: When purchasing a Gig on Fiverr, unless clearly stated otherwise on the Seller's Gig page/description, when the work is delivered, and subject to payment, the Buyer is granted all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to, copyright in the work delivered from the Seller, and the Seller waives any and all moral rights therein. Accordingly, the Seller expressly assigns to the Buyer the copyright in the delivered work...

Edited by uk1000
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