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I could not seem to grow my Fiverr gigs well


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Hi, as title has said, I could not get my gigs growing. I have been working on Fiverr for the past 3 months or-so. So far, I have tried improving in all aspects, the gig images, keywords, videos, descriptions, and FAQ. I could not figure out the way to grow. I had a past order a month ago, but it probably was just a random coincidence. To addon, the gig purchase isn't the one I wanted it to be. I have a few major issues with me:

Impressions and Clicks

It could not seem to grow at all, when I changed the keywords or when I changed the image, it didn't have a slight change. I got a few clicks here and there, but the average click each day on each gig is like 5, pretty pathetic if I'd say so myself. I had my hopes up when I finally finished on the video, it took a month to finish. Personally, it's a large project for me. When I searched for my gig and went to the "online seller", it's usually at the 2nd to 3rd page, not that bad, but not that great as well. I really need some of your suggestions or help.


As I've said, I had my first order. But it didn't continue for long, no inboxes and nothing. I decided to put ads on social media, that was not a success. Apparently I got 40 sth link clicks, but none of them seems that interested.


Yes, I know I shouldn't be talking this much when I just got my account in like 3 months. I shouldn't give excuses for myself to not grow my account, but I reall couldn't resort to other solutions other than seeking help, pls give some opinions down above to help out, thx a lot 🙂

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You have to optimize your gig image and insert valuable keywords in your gig description. I have followed the tricks and are getting a good number of impressions. You can also use a catchy gig images and add your photo to it. This helped me, hope it helps you. 

Thank You 


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21 hours ago, pranto975 said:

You have to have a SEO friendly gig with good gig title, image and description. Competition is very high so you need to market your gig as well

I have tried to do some decent marketing, like browsing the competitors and searching for the best description, but it really didn't help out much, sometimes I got some more impressions than usual like 5-10 more, but it probably is just me searching for myself. At least I want my gig to be more prioritized and easier to be searched, but how, like without any order on that gigs, I can't raise it on the market right? And btw, I'm not Level 1 for advertisements, kinda sad.

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21 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

Hate to say it, but this is a very unstable time to enter the market as an artist, what with AI generated images.

You know what, I really hate that AI is even destroying and corroding the creative industry. But personally, I think my product is pretty unique. Should I decrease the price by $5 USD for now? Would it help for my first order?

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What is considered a good thumbail. (Illustration Service)

Hi, anyone who's reading this. For background, I have been freelancing on Fiverr for 3 month or-so. And you know what, gig images are the hardest thing to master. I have a few gigs here and there, one is more prioritized. I spent time on it editing and cropping it out, as it is physical drawing. I think it turned out pretty good, but there's not much impressions nor clicks, I have to be patience, but I just want to seek some help.

Gig Attractiveness

What is considered a good image, a good thumbnail that could attract buyers or potential clients to click on?

In my opinion, it's images that can best represent my skill, illustration, and can be unique, popping out from the repetitive photos you scrolling. I have got that pretty much done, a dark grey background, with three illustrations in front, some of my proudest. 


should text be included?

it would look kinda childish and it's too much for my style. It would definitely not fit my illustration and most of the other sellers don't really do that, do they? The focus is on the illustration, but the text would be kinda catchy as well. I have no idea what is considered a "better" gig image.


does my gig pop out well from the croud

I think it does, but the annoying part is there is no impressions, I got like a 10:1 click proportion, that is decent. But usually no one goes down the list to see the gigs to purchase.


What should I prioritize on? I got decent keywords and a good description, catchy enough. But still I got nothing, I tried advertising and got 40 sth clicks off-fiver, but no one seem to purchase it, is it too expensive, can anyone point out the issue here?

Here's my gig, please clear my misery a bit: https://www.fiverr.com/s/j4X4x9

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36 minutes ago, hbt_lc said:

You know what, I really hate that AI is even destroying and corroding the creative industry. But personally, I think my product is pretty unique. Should I decrease the price by $5 USD for now? Would it help for my first order?

No, don't lower your prices. Your time is valuable. Think long-term. Fiverr itself says:


Know your value
Fiverr’s services start at $5. While it can be tempting to offer promotions or discounts to get your orders rolling in from the start, offering your work for free is not a recommended approach to connect with or entice potential buyers.

Set your potential buyers' expectations and set the precedent that your work can’t be obtained for free. It’s essential to know your worth as a seller and not to compromise it to attempt to attract buyers.

Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-4-Things-to-Do-Before-Creating-Your-Gig 

The best thing you can do is diversification. Put your talents on multiple markets, and offer other skills. Think about what you can do that AI can't. Do not rely on Fiverr. (Fiverr is not my only source of income. I have a day-job.)

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1 hour ago, imagination7413 said:

No, don't lower your prices. Your time is valuable. Think long-term. Fiverr itself says:

Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-4-Things-to-Do-Before-Creating-Your-Gig 

The best thing you can do is diversification. Put your talents on multiple markets, and offer other skills. Think about what you can do that AI can't. Do not rely on Fiverr. (Fiverr is not my only source of income. I have a day-job.)

I really do thank your effort explaining something inspiring to a new seller like me, I would go and try to find more markets out there. Thanks a lot 🙂


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