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Why I am not getting enough clicks and orders compare to impressions?


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I am not getting enough clicks compared to clicks and orders.

In the last 7 days, I got about 3k impressions, 74 clicks, and only 1 order.


I know it could be because my gigs are not attractive, value for money or they got better deals.

But what could be the "core" problem for not getting orders?

Here are my top-performing gigs:
1. https://www.fiverr.com/s/Byjyz1
2. https://www.fiverr.com/s/Dr9rAo
3. https://www.fiverr.com/s/AWRWa4


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9 minutes ago, eftihan_ashrap said:

There could be several reasons why you're not getting enough clicks and orders compared to the number of impressions on Fiverr. Here are some common factors to consider:

Gig Title and Description: Your gig title and description play a critical role in attracting potential buyers. Make sure they are clear, concise, and optimized with relevant keywords. Highlight your unique selling points and what makes your services stand out.

Pricing: Pricing can be a significant factor. If your prices are too high, potential buyers might be deterred. Conversely, if they are too low, buyers might question the quality of your work. Research what similar services are charging to find a competitive price point.

Gig Images and Videos: Visuals are crucial. High-quality images and videos that showcase your work can make a big difference. Ensure that they are relevant, professional, and represent the services you offer accurately.

Tags and Keywords: Use relevant keywords and tags in your gig settings. These help Fiverr's search algorithm match your gig with potential buyers. Do keyword research to understand what buyers are searching for.

Reviews and Ratings: Positive reviews and ratings build trust. Ensure you provide excellent service to your customers and ask for their feedback. Building a solid reputation takes time but is essential for long-term success.

Response Time: Fiverr rewards sellers who respond promptly to messages. Aim to maintain a quick response time to improve your seller rank.

Promotion: Consider promoting your gig through Fiverr's advertising features to increase visibility. You can also promote your gig on social media and other platforms to drive traffic.

Niche Specialization: Sometimes, narrowing your focus to a specific niche or industry can make your services more appealing to a target audience.

Competition: Fiverr is a competitive marketplace. Assess your competitors and see what they are doing differently. Try to find a unique selling point to stand out.

Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your Fiverr profile is complete and professional. Buyers often check the seller's profile before making a purchase.

Frequent Updates: Consider updating your gig content periodically. This can refresh your gig in Fiverr's search results.

Patience and Persistence: Building a successful Fiverr business takes time. Be patient and persistent, and continually refine your approach based on the results and feedback you receive.

By addressing these factors and continuously monitoring and adapting your strategy, you can improve your chances of getting more clicks and orders compared to your impressions on Fiverr. Remember that success on Fiverr is a journey, and it often takes time to gain momentum.

Thank you for your information 

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7 hours ago, anisurrahaman20 said:

I am not getting enough clicks compared to clicks and orders.

In the last 7 days, I got about 3k impressions, 74 clicks, and only 1 order.


I know it could be because my gigs are not attractive, value for money or they got better deals.

But what could be the "core" problem for not getting orders?

Here are my top-performing gigs:
1. https://www.fiverr.com/s/Byjyz1
2. https://www.fiverr.com/s/Dr9rAo
3. https://www.fiverr.com/s/AWRWa4


You are so lucky to have that much impressions in a week.

I have impressions of almost 130 in a week with 5 Gigs and this is happening from past 1 and half year

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9 hours ago, eftihan_ashrap said:

There could be several reasons why you're not getting enough clicks and orders compared to the number of impressions on Fiverr. Here are some common factors to consider:

Gig Title and Description: Your gig title and description play a critical role in attracting potential buyers. Make sure they are clear, concise, and optimized with relevant keywords. Highlight your unique selling points and what makes your services stand out.

Pricing: Pricing can be a significant factor. If your prices are too high, potential buyers might be deterred. Conversely, if they are too low, buyers might question the quality of your work. Research what similar services are charging to find a competitive price point.

Gig Images and Videos: Visuals are crucial. High-quality images and videos that showcase your work can make a big difference. Ensure that they are relevant, professional, and represent the services you offer accurately.

Tags and Keywords: Use relevant keywords and tags in your gig settings. These help Fiverr's search algorithm match your gig with potential buyers. Do keyword research to understand what buyers are searching for.

Reviews and Ratings: Positive reviews and ratings build trust. Ensure you provide excellent service to your customers and ask for their feedback. Building a solid reputation takes time but is essential for long-term success.

Response Time: Fiverr rewards sellers who respond promptly to messages. Aim to maintain a quick response time to improve your seller rank.

Promotion: Consider promoting your gig through Fiverr's advertising features to increase visibility. You can also promote your gig on social media and other platforms to drive traffic.

Niche Specialization: Sometimes, narrowing your focus to a specific niche or industry can make your services more appealing to a target audience.

Competition: Fiverr is a competitive marketplace. Assess your competitors and see what they are doing differently. Try to find a unique selling point to stand out.

Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your Fiverr profile is complete and professional. Buyers often check the seller's profile before making a purchase.

Frequent Updates: Consider updating your gig content periodically. This can refresh your gig in Fiverr's search results.

Patience and Persistence: Building a successful Fiverr business takes time. Be patient and persistent, and continually refine your approach based on the results and feedback you receive.

By addressing these factors and continuously monitoring and adapting your strategy, you can improve your chances of getting more clicks and orders compared to your impressions on Fiverr. Remember that success on Fiverr is a journey, and it often takes time to gain momentum.

Please stop using AI to solve a person's real-life problem.

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7 hours ago, kamraanhccp said:

You are so lucky to have that much impressions in a week.

I have impressions of almost 130 in a week with 5 Gigs and this is happening from past 1 and half year

Maybe you don't know Fiverr algo well enough. Try and learn the algo. Or hire someone who knows well enough.

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