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Didnt recive my order ! :(


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Hello there !

First of all,its against Fiverr’s TOS to call out the seller here.

If you cannot see any files delivered by your seller, you could simply drop him a message telling him that you haven’t received your files.

I’m sure the seller will reply you and if there has been any mistake, he will surely try to help you.

As a seller I know how important a customer is to me and I would try my best to see that he gets what he has paid for.I’m sure many of my fellow sellers here think the same.

So what I suggest you,is to let the seller know about the problem.

Hope that helps.

Have a great day.

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This sounds like some competition getting upset…

Amitbt is a Top Rated Seller…

I am sure either there is either mistake or someone trying to be a slanderous and deceitful competitor on here…

But, if in fact you did get a botched delivery, just contact him, as a Top Seller I am sure if it was a mistake he will fix it expediently.

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