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Addressing Seller Rating Evaluation: A Perspective from Non-English Service Providers (with fewer orders)



Hello fellow Fiverr community members,

I hope this post finds you all well. I am reaching out to share a scenario I recently encountered, which highlighted a potential area for improvement in the way seller ratings are evaluated, particularly for those of us providing mostly non-English language services which results in a skewed requirements for keeping seller level.

Being a Swedish voice-over artist on Fiverr has been a rewarding experience. However, the natural limitation of order volume due to language specificity seems to have a bearing on the seller rating. A recent incident further amplified this concern. A client placed an order but later realized they required a broadcast license, which hadn’t been selected initially. Despite my attempts to guide the client to the appropriate package and offering a discounted rate for the required license, the client chose to cancel the order even though I was just about to give the client a substantial discount on these rights that she needed. This cancellation, initiated by the client and not based on service dissatisfaction, adversely affected my seller rating.

I believe this scenario brings forth an essential discussion point:

Could there be a more nuanced approach to rating evaluations, especially for sellers operating in, limited orders, non-English language domains? A system that could account for the natural limitations in order volume and external factors like client-initiated cancellations might paint a more accurate picture of a seller's performance and service quality.

I'm opening this thread to invite insights from the community and possibly catch the eye of Fiverr support for a constructive review of the current rating system. It's the diversity in services and the global seller base that makes Fiverr a vibrant marketplace. Ensuring a fair evaluation system for all sellers, irrespective of language or external circumstances, would undoubtedly bolster this spirit of inclusivity.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this post. I am looking forward to engaging in a fruitful discussion and working collectively towards fostering an even more fair and supportive Fiverr community.

Warm regards,


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