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I would like to denounce the bad behavior



I would like to denounce the behavior of a profile who just said the F word to me
It was a simple discussion, I attached it
How to deal with those violent client !!


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10 answers to this question

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Well there was no reason for that potential buyer to curse you.

However, you could also handle conversations better. Stop at "sorry I can't". The other stuff you said can be seen as offensive by some people. You want to be respectful to people, not to say things like "share what you want, not what you don't want". Even sharing stuff that he doesn't want helps, so you can see what's not ok for them. Or, as I said, stop at I can't. I see why they were upset, although insulting you is way too far. 

There is a lesson to be learned here. Keep any replies short and don't say more than you should. Because there's a person at the other end and you never know how they react. So, if you can't do it, just move on and be civil. 

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8 hours ago, tazzym said:

I would like to denounce the behavior of a profile who just said the F word to me
It was a simple discussion, I attached it
How to deal with those violent client !!


So far I understand, the reply "sorry I can't" was enough in reply.
In the sentence "why sharing a video as an example then asking for a better work" the client felt insulted and reacted with that word.
I think, just take it as an exceptional incident and go ahead with the use of sweet and suitable words in correspondence. 

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7 hours ago, imamiopial said:

You're lucky it wasn't after placing an order. 

Some buyers just can't handle rejection and a simple "no" will trigger an onslaught of cursing and f-bombs (It's rare, but it has happened to me several times). When that does happens, I just thank my lucky stars that it was done before an order was placed. 😅

7 hours ago, imamiopial said:

I would block report and move on. 

That block button is there for a reason - I used to feel really bad about blocking people but not anymore!

I once blocked someone (who couldn't stand that I wouldn't work with them). After a few weeks, I felt guilty and unblocked the buyer and the buyer immediately came back into my inbox and started to gush about how he found another seller "so much better" than me. He was spamming my inbox with his insults. I then blocked that buyer for the second time and I didn't feel bad at all! After that incident, it was much easier to block buyers right away.

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3 hours ago, vickieito said:

That block button is there for a reason - I used to feel really bad about blocking people but not anymore!

I feel the same about blocking people and I trust people based on their words, but this has left me vulnerable to scams.

3 hours ago, vickieito said:

it was much easier to block buyers right away.



4 hours ago, vickieito said:

Some buyers just can't handle rejection and a simple "no" will trigger an onslaught of cursing and f-bombs (It's rare, but it has happened to me several times). When that does happens, I just thank my lucky stars that it was done before an order was placed. 😅

I once rejected a buyer and he started showing me what he does, how he is better and I couldn't do his job.
I was like 🙏

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13 hours ago, tazzym said:

I would like to denounce the behavior of a profile who just said the F word to me
It was a simple discussion, I attached it
How to deal with those violent client !!


Sorry to hear about your bad experience. You should block these type of buyers directly. 

But you are not allowed to share the username of your buyer here. Simply, hide the username of buyer/seller when sharing anything with us here on the Forum.

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15 hours ago, tazzym said:

I would like to denounce the behavior of a profile

Naming and shaming isn't allowed on the forum. If you have an issue with someone, report them to Customer Support.

As the others have already pointed out, you should have stopped at "Sorry, I can't." There was nothing wrong with them showing you what they had and telling you that they needed better quality. It's a perfectly normal request. I get those, too ("Hey, this is what I've got so far, can you create something better?").

As for how to deal with someone who curses: report and block.

You should work on your own communication, too.

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Simply block, report and move on. I know it feels bad dealing with such people but you shouldn't get further involved for your own good.

Also your screenshots are edited out because you are not allowed to show private logs with usernames showing on forum so please keep that in mind for the future🙏

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