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Between 0 and 3 impressions per day on my gig.


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I'm trying to get my first sale but I can't get any impressions.

I think I'm doing everything right...

- A good thumbnail

- Title with keywords

- Common keywords selected as web, development and my tech stack

- Regular Price

I have a profile picture with my face, I'm online all day, I have a description, what's going on?

Recently I received a spam message to which I replied, as I received it too early I didn't reply in time but that doesn't justify it, it was already happening before.

My gig: https://es.fiverr.com/s/2oNzyL

Edited by orionbaldassani
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  • orionbaldassani changed the title to Between 0 and 3 impressions per day on my gig.

Thanks for answering!


you are not doing one think! 

I'm seeing how I can improve my gigs, in terms of appearance they look good, good price and I'm active practically all day, why Fiverr rarely shows me?, I was thinking that perhaps web development is not one of Fiverr's strengths.


do gig marketing on social media.

To work on fiverr you have to go to other sites and make them come to fiverr so that fiverr receives their percentage, that's what I understand.

I just cut the price almost in half, let's see what happens.

I'm going to focus on creating more gigs.

I'm going to follow the thread.

Edited by orionbaldassani
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