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Mistakenly read zoom Meet to Google meet



I got a msg from a buyer (newly) and he send description and i said i need a dataset and little more brief and the buyer said can we do google meet now.   I see from the phone did not carefully read word google i thought it said zoom meet because mostly buyers prefer zoom and i have zoom icon in my chat that why i said "sure" and open my laptop then i see he send google meet link and i hurriedly write 3-4 little long message clearing i read wrong and we can do zoom call and he said how it work but i don't know zoom i can was not in my chat anymore ( may be due to my sales is less then 50$ ) so i clear him we can do after in ORDER only. and clear him this is against the fiverr rules and we can't do this and he did not respond after some time i block him.


But I'm afraid fiverr will not send warning to me. believe me i read little wrong just meet word i don't know what to do I'm little scare now i don't want any warning is it first or 2nd i don't want i do nothing and i don't how i can proof to fiverr.


What should i do please tell me 

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