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How can I rank my gig?


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How can I rank my gig?


1. Use low competitive keyword your Gig Title & Description.

2. Create eye-catching gig image. 

3. Gig Image SEO.

4. Write SEO Related  Gig Description.

3. Share the gig link social media marketing the right way. 

5. keep Low Price range. 

7.Try to 18 hours / 7 days Active on Fiverr and  discuss with forum's people they always help you to solved your

Follow all the rules I hope your gig is ranked

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I am a buyer who sometimes sells on Fiverr. I would never click on your gig because it has too many tiny words. As a buyer, I quickly look through the gig images and do not read the text written below them. Your gig image is cluttered with words, and nothing stands out to tell me what service you sell. Shorten the text on your gig image to four or five bold words, and you will have better luck attracting a buyer.

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22 minutes ago, sadat111 said:

You have to choose the keyword in which competition is very low. You have to choose a perfect title that describes your service. If you want to make a gig on SEO, it's perfect. Always try to write an attractive title using low-competition keywords, The Best keywords in the title help your gig to rank on Fiverr.

Just follow this step.

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