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Hi @shuvokumer2019

Your success on Fiverr has nothing to do with your username. Your Gigs are what'll make you successful on Fiverr. Search the Forum, find good advice from experienced Sellers, apply that advice to your work and I am sure you will see progress in the future.

Best of luck!

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Buyers like this will find you on the Fiverr Website. You don’t need to search for them. 
Of course, there are 200K+ logo design services available on Fiverr. They have a lot of choice.

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The recommended dimensions are Maximum 4000 x 2416 pixels at 72 DPI or a minimum of 712 x 430 pixels.

🎯 But I would recommend 1280 x 769 pixels. Keep little Margin on both the left and right sides.


Go throw the following links for related Fiverr guidelines.

🟣 Fiverr Help Center- Selling on Fiverr: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/categories/360002121498-Selling-on-Fiverr

🟢 Editing Gig: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/sections/17142760027537-Editing-managing-your-Gig

🔵  Promoting Gig: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/sections/17151092205457-Promoted-Gigs

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