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Improvements to our availability feature


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The interface of the Fiverr options has always been ambiguous, it is not possible to understand if you are really available even if your profile says so, the option to be "ONLINE" or "OFFLINE" also confuses me, it contradicts the "AVAILABILITY" option and costs sync PC with Android App

Edited by piermaxdesigner
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That'll be interesting to note.

Because I did a kind of regret using the feature after the death of my father last year.

I had applied for about 3 days rest, and after the resumption of work, my profile did struggled for weeks to pick up. It was a little awful experience, and I feared ever using it afterward.

So, maybe I will try it again some other time.

Thanks for the update.

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For those saying that 30 days isn't enough and what if something happens. True, but you have to remember you're not the only seller on the platform. The platform exists to serve buyers. If they are going on the results page searching for a Seller and all they see is people's gigs ranking top who are consistently away for long periods of time, is this going to bring money and work to the platform? 

Why would anyone expect to rank top or even on the front page of their keywords while they're away and not being able to fulfil the service where there are plenty of other sellers willing to work and actually active? I get it's competitive and frustrating, but come on, you've got to think outside yourself.

I think Fiverr has nailed this, and it's great to see this in action. 👍

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22 hours ago, tantrikasound said:

I don't understand. Let's say I've took 3 important jobs on Fiverr from clients, and I need to focus only on those 3 projects because I can't take more workload. Let's say that those big projects require 3 months to be finished. Why should I be penalized if i set myself unavailable for more than 30 days to focus only on those big projects?

Yes! This is exactly what I was thinking - I often have to use this feature when I get booked with multiple large projects and use the selection "I'm overbooked" to communicate that to my buyers when my orders are high so they have to communicate with me before allowing their order to come through. Also, just because we're freelancers, doesn't mean we work (or need to work) 24/7, 7 days per week.

It would be nice to have somewhere on our profile to indicate days we do and don't work especially for Holidays and religious events/observances, but to set a schedule and business hours like any real business and not be penalized if someone contacts you outside of those hours... Buyers would like to see that information (I think!)! Even as freelancers, it would be healthy to have a "day off" or even the ability to set a day away schedule where you can just work on your craft and fulfill orders without being penalized for not responding to messages within minutes. During your "in-office" hours though, those interactions should absolutely count! 

I've been selling on Fiverr for almost 10 years and the burnout from this constant metrics game (even while sleeping) can be overwhelming at times. It doesn't really look like anything has changed to me.

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On 9/21/2023 at 1:50 PM, Noam.Arik said:

Based on valuable feedback from our community, we have made several fixes and improvements to our availability feature. We want you to take vacations, and want them to be stress-free! These updates will ensure that changing  your availability status does not negatively impact your business or compromise your services and visibility on Fiverr. Read more here

Great one. Love this update.

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That's a great news but not for me. Few months ago I put my profile on vacations for few days but when I made it available again it never came back in the search engine.

I reached out to customer support as well but they always reply with prewritten emails saying your profile is visible in search engine but it's not.

I'm so much disappointed 😞☹️

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