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Fiverr’s Update on Cancelled Order Reviews: An Attack on Honest Sellers!


Experience has taught me something about people who leave their opinions on this platform, there are either supporters or haters, you might also see them in the comments section of any YouTube video.
One of the many differences between these two kinds of people is that a supporter often has no time for leaving a comment or a review, but a hater is just trying to make the life of everyone else 
miserable and spends his time making sure everyone hears what he has to say.
Fiverr has just opened a door for all this hatred to flow over this community of sellers.

Has anyone on Fiverr wondered why a seller like me has only 800+ reviews when my account has over 1.3K successful orders? The answer is that all my "supporters" don't always leave a review. "Haters" on the other side, will ALWAYS leave a review.

7 years of my life dedicated to this platform, It hasn't been easy getting all those 5-star reviews. And now it's getting even more complicated with this new system that allows a "bad-tempered buyer having a bad day" to be able to vent out his frustration over a seller who was trying to do his best, leaving a stain that not only affects our business but makes us question everything we do here.

This is so bad.

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3 hours ago, luisfernava said:

Fiverr’s Update on Cancelled Order Reviews: An Attack on Honest Sellers!


Experience has taught me something about people who leave their opinions on this platform, there are either supporters or haters, you might also see them in the comments section of any YouTube video.
One of the many differences between these two kinds of people is that a supporter often has no time for leaving a comment or a review, but a hater is just trying to make the life of everyone else 
miserable and spends his time making sure everyone hears what he has to say.

I am sorry that you had to experience it. But I think this is a good thing launched by Fiverr. That way, other buyers will get to know more about the sellers and also will think harder before placing their orders to those sellers.

If you look at the review (see the inserted image) then you will understand the frustration of buyer. It's entirely your fault that you had to encountered this. Should have performed better. No? Did you try to resolve the issue in a polite way? 


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3 hours ago, luisfernava said:

You just went to my profile and screenshotted the very review I've been talking about. You read it and came back with the conclusion that it was entirely my fault for not "performing better". The other thing you thought just by seeing this review was: Who knows maybe this seller was impolite during this situation and took his frustration over the buyer, so he deserves this review. (stick with me because is my turn to show screenshots).


Why are you being frustrated when you took the first step to initiate the cancellation of both orders even buyer said to cancel it (1st order).. Why did not you accept the additional $20 instead of $40? However, I still stand corrected that you are the one who is at fault. 

You have a Seller Plus feature which is enabled then have you tried to use the feature of “Request to Order”. (Not sure that you have a premium plan but I’m just asking).

If buyer was not satisfied with your services at first (during 1st order), then you should have blocked the buyer after the 1st order cancelation so that he has no chance to place a new order but unfortunately you did not block him and suffered! He even said that he will place another order but do you think that was a good idea?

You should have dealt with that buyer in a professional way. If he said that he is not satisfied with your work then you should have discussed with him in a calm way that what actually he wants (changes) so that you can do it. Secondly, if you were working on the project and were not updating your buyer regarding his project then definitely, he will become frustrated. He wanted to know the status on project within 2 hours but you thought that it was wild to respond him within 2 hours? That’s why he mentioned in the review that communication was not good. If you were hurt because of his review about your work then you should have fixed it rather than explaining everything or pointing out his mistakes. 

I can understand that project was of $75 at first but he ordered $35 one. He even agreed to add $20 instead of $40 but you declined it. Sometimes, we have to be professional and kind. Should have accepted $20 instead of $40 (may be your ego did not let you to accept it, it happens). There was also a possibility that buyer might become your potential client in the future but you have lost him.

Let it go now but you need to work on your communication, analytical and problem-solving skills the most.

So what, if I have $1k reviews then do you think that I have not encountered this situation ever? Honestly, I have dealt with these type of buyers but always in a professional way. I always try to communicate with the buyer first then sort out the issue. Yes, sometimes buyers send additional tasks to do in the middle of project but we are the sellers and we have to do them no matter what because they have paid for it (if additional tasks are related to the gig package ordered by them).. If it’s not a part of order, then I ask for additional funds but less than the mentioned price which my buyers happily accepts every time that’s why I have a good number of repeat clients. 

Don't blame everything on Fiverr and it's new updates and buyers only. 

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Can't you give a polite public reply to that review of his that will show on the gig page? If so doing that should help future buyers understand and should help negate the review.

On 9/19/2023 at 5:31 AM, luisfernava said:

Also mentioned that the text in the video was unreliable, which is another lie because he sent me a document with the text he wanted (in the first order), and I used every word on it.

He said "The texts were not readable". He doesn't mean the text were not all there but he seems to think they (or some of them) moved so fast that they weren't able to read them very easily. Though that was the style of the video and that has probably been fine for the vast majority of your buyers on the gig.

Maybe if you could have created samples in the difference styles you offer before starting work he could have selected his preferred one (eg. created a fast style one and a slower style one, or slow medium and fast samples that they could choose the nearest one from). At the start of your gig video for it the text seems to go slower. Though if he gave you a reference at the start then I assume you did the first one close to that.

Edited by uk1000
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Thanks for posting your interaction in detail. At first I suspected the buyer was a reseller? In my experience, resellers attempt to maximize their profits as the middleman, omit critical information and most importantly they rebound and enhance the criticism they receive from the true buyer, against you the seller.

But in one post the buyer commented, “OUR company makes several videos every year.” Either way, reseller or not, they did not appear to be invested into providing clear, unmistakable instructions, right?

In the future, what do you think about draft videos? Do you have the option of delivering an incomplete video, prior to final delivery, to allow the client to review and comment? Or has that feature been removed in the latest update?

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On 9/19/2023 at 7:31 AM, luisfernava said:

Fiverr’s Update on Cancelled Order Reviews Is An Attack on Honest Sellers

The problem here is that from those messages, you were the one asking for a cancellation, trying to protect yourself and your ratings. Fiverr had this issue for years, the reason why buyers find it hard to pick sellers is because everyone has 4.8 to 5 stars on Fiverr, so it's extremely difficult for a buyer to figure out who to hire. And a lot of sellers curate their reviews, cancel the stuff they don't want to work on and it just leads to a headache for the buyer that's on a deadline. That's why they introduced this in the first place. They just want to differentiate sellers more, while also offering buyers a way to speak their mind when a seller wastes their time, they were on a deadline and now they are dead in the water because the seller canceled their order and they have nothing. 

I will also say this Luis, you also have the option to reply to a canceled order review, which after going to the gig page it seems you didn't. You always have the option to speak your mind and also show proof of the work you did. Posting here on the forum is a way to vent, but replying to that review would show potential buyers how you react to a bad review. As we know, most people check those bad reviews anyway, to see what they should be worried about when working with a person.


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13 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

The problem here is that from those messages, you were the one asking for a cancellation, trying to protect yourself and your ratings.

Thanks for pointing that out.  I have many times railed against sellers who "sanitize" their reviews by offering refunds in an attempt to hide their screw ups in order to try to present a false set of "perfect" feedback. Bravo!  It is completely dishonest. 

Edited by newsmike
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I’m a buyer and I LOVE that Fiverr has implemented reviews on cancelled orders now. Imagine you see one 5-star review (and try out that seller) and come to find out that they actually had four cancelled orders… now we can truly find out if sellers are worth using or not. Too many times have I been lied to about skills and sellers have good ratings on their page when only one person liked them and they did bad on all the other orders, it’s because all the other cancelled reviews were never posted. 

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11 hours ago, yourbrandingpal said:

I think a better approach would be to LET the buyers review on cancelled orders BUT without affecting seller's ratings (and by that I mean option to leave comments but not ratings)

So… you’re saying sellers shouldn’t be penalized for lying to buyers about their skill-set just to get the order? Help me understand it. A seller can have one good review for the client to go off of, but we wouldn’t have any idea how many bad ones they had from cancelled orders of their own accord (because they couldn’t do the job, etc). Sometimes cancellations are not enacted by the buyers, they are enacted by the sellers who realized they oversold themselves and bit off more then they could chew (in most cases, not all). You suggesting that buyers shouldn’t be able to leave an effecting star review for a cancellation to warn others, is like if a buyer suggests that all sellers on the site should be ‘pro level’ to sell their services because they can’t be trusted if they’re not pro. It’s silly to say. Fiverr is doing this change because there is a problem. People are unhappy. 

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1 hour ago, pinksamuraiii said:

So… you’re saying sellers shouldn’t be penalized for lying to buyers about their skill-set just to get the order? Help me understand it. A seller can have one good review for the client to go off of, but we wouldn’t have any idea how many bad ones they had from cancelled orders of their own accord (because they couldn’t do the job, etc). Sometimes cancellations are not enacted by the buyers, they are enacted by the sellers who realized they oversold themselves and bit off more then they could chew (in most cases, not all). You suggesting that buyers shouldn’t be able to leave an effecting star review for a cancellation to warn others, is like if a buyer suggests that all sellers on the site should be ‘pro level’ to sell their services because they can’t be trusted if they’re not pro. It’s silly to say. Fiverr is doing this change because there is a problem. People are unhappy. 

"Lying to buyers" - are you saying that all sellers who cancel the orders are liars? There are genuine cases where an order may have to be cancelled. If it's a new seller and if the reason for cancellation is genuine, a 1 star rating on a cancelled order may not be indicative of the actual quality of the service offered by the seller. 

Moreover they have an order completion rate to maintain, which has to be over 90% I suppose, so no, it's not silly say that 1 cancellation should NOT lead to multiple form of penalties.

Comments would tell the story of what happened, the ability to leave a rating is not fair in ALL the scenarios is what I feel. And there's OCR to tackle the cancellation rate itself. So again, no need to penalize a seller multiple times.

Edited by yourbrandingpal
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On 9/18/2023 at 12:32 AM, luisfernava said:

Fiverr’s Update on Cancelled Order Reviews: An Attack on Honest Sellers!


Experience has taught me something about people who leave their opinions on this platform, there are either supporters or haters, you might also see them in the comments section of any YouTube video.
One of the many differences between these two kinds of people is that a supporter often has no time for leaving a comment or a review, but a hater is just trying to make the life of everyone else 
miserable and spends his time making sure everyone hears what he has to say.
Fiverr has just opened a door for all this hatred to flow over this community of sellers.

Has anyone on Fiverr wondered why a seller like me has only 800+ reviews when my account has over 1.3K successful orders? The answer is that all my "supporters" don't always leave a review. "Haters" on the other side, will ALWAYS leave a review.

7 years of my life dedicated to this platform, It hasn't been easy getting all those 5-star reviews. And now it's getting even more complicated with this new system that allows a "bad-tempered buyer having a bad day" to be able to vent out his frustration over a seller who was trying to do his best, leaving a stain that not only affects our business but makes us question everything we do here.

This is so bad.

Strange how Fiverr puts more and more pressure on Sellers.

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