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A Glitch In The Matrix or some new algorithm?


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Hi everyone!

Is it just me or did anyone notice a change in statistics? Especially in the Writing and Translation category! 

I used to do fine with 300-500 impressions a day and maybe 5-10 clicks but recently, (the past two days) one of my gigs has going crazyyyy. I'm talking 1000-3000 impressions. It's scary, yes but I have been getting A LOT of messages (spam and real ones alike). I just wanted to know if anybody has the same experience!☺️

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On 8/30/2023 at 12:46 PM, imagination7413 said:

Spikes happen. They usually don't last very long, so make the most of it while you can. 

I think I just figured out why the spike happened. For some reason, my gig is literally the first one you see after clicking Book and eBook writing. I sure hope it stays there for a while at least!😅❤️

Edited by favourik
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