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Is Using ChatGPT For Writing Letters Without Letting Users Know Allowed in Fiverr?



Hi Everyone,

Recently, I ordered a letter writing gig on Fiverr. The entity that I will provide the letter to does not allow the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT. There was no mention about the use of AI tools on the seller's profile. I also asked the seller via private message, and she confirmed that she is not using any AI tools.

I ordered the gig. Received the letter and guess what? It’s a product of ChatGPT directly. How do I know?

  • I’m a software engineer with a high knowledge of ChatGPT and used it for hundreds of time so far. ChatGPT has a very specific language/word usage. The letter didn’t contain any human touch. I highly suspected that it’s a product of ChatGPT.
  • I analyzed the text with AI detector software. It matched with 99% confidence. I’m also well-experienced with that checker and it’s almost impossible for a human-written text to get 99% AI match rate.

I told the seller that I caught her. She refunded my money. However, she is still selling that gig without telling anyone that she’s using AI tools. If somebody provides her text to an entity that disallows ChatGPT, they will have serious problems.

I reported that gig to fiverr but didn’t receive an answer for over 10 days.

Is this an accepted behavior on fiverr?

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No, it's not allowed. It's good to hear that you got your money back, but Fiverr rarely bans people if they make them money. No matter if they're outright scammers. I have reported Danish translators who deliver translations that are done 100% through Google Translate, and nothing is ever done. I even reported a seller with video evidence that he has multiple accounts to give himself fake reviews (he had made a tutorial on how to do it...), but his profile is still active with 218 reviews.


This is Fiverr's policy:

"When considering services that may or may not use generative AI tools or programs, buyers with a preference for work created and/or delivered without the use of generative AI tools or programs, should clearly communicate this preference to the seller. "

And you certainly did do that. Although, I must say that this policy is kinda disgusting. Shouldn't it be assumed that what you order isn't created through AI? Now, you have to explicitly state that you don't want AI. 🤯

Well, I guess I'm gonna have to start doing that as a buyer now. Me having to state that every time is surely not going to offend any honest sellers. No way!

The Community Standards used to state this:

"However, whenever AI is a part of the work process, it should be proactively disclosed to  buyers through the Gig description, and/or during any order requirements discussion.

Do not:

  • Mislead others about the nature of the work when it is not entirely human generated"


But I can no longer find it.

Edited by vibronx
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3 hours ago, vibronx said:

But I can no longer find it.

Though the terms of service (https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service) still says:


Gigs and/or users may be removed by Fiverr from the Site for violations of these Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards, which may include (but are not limited to) the following violations and/or materials:

...Gigs misleading to Buyers or others

And this link https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010880417-Warnings
says "and misrepresenting your Gig service may result in a warning."

So by not saying they use AI  to the buyer they could be misleading and so against the TOS. eg. if they said in the gig "I will write a letter" but used AI to do it without telling the buyer.

Edited by uk1000
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