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Why doesn't gig rank and get orders?


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Hello Guys, 

How are you? Last 6 months I don't have any orders.  Also, I can't increase my gig impression & click. I always try to be active online & share my gig on social sites. This month I again back my Level 1 Seller Badge but still now I don't have any new orders or new buyer messages. 

How I can solve this type problem. I hope someone can provide me with proper guidelines to solve this issue.

Best Regard

Mahananda Ray

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Better days ahead!!

Question play crucial role in solving problems. I'll ask these few questions: what did you do to build your gig to level 1 and you stopped doing? Did you get a bad review and/or poor recommendation(s)? Do you send buyers' offers at all? Did you leave fiverr for a long time? Do you spend more time on fiverr? Did you edit a vital part of your gig?

I asked those questions because some of it can be the reason why you are experiencing this and if so, try to rectify the problem.

However, you should continue to promote your gig(s) on social media, PINTEREST & QUORA inclusive.

Take care!


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Hi lebraz_digital,

First thanks to identify my problem. Here I'll answer your questions: 

1. what did you do to build your gig to level 1 and you stopped doing?

Ans: Before this month I haven't Level 1 Seller Badge. Now I newly got Level 1 Seller Badge this month.

2. Did you get a bad review and/or poor recommendation(s)?

Ans: Whole of my profile available on 4.9 reviews. One of my gig that reviews 4.3. I hope that one reason. 

3. Do you send buyers' offers at all?

Ans: Last few month I can't send any buyer request/offers. 

4. Did you leave fiverr for a long time?

Ans: Yes, this is true. Last one or two month i almost leave on fiverr. In this time I only open Fiverr Mobile Apps for see any newly notification or message. 

5.  Did you edit a vital part of your gig?

Ans: Yes, last week I edit my two gig title and aslo search Tags. 


Now this month I try to active always on online and also continue to promote gig(s) on social media. I hope I try my best. 


Take care & love ❤️

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Guest lloydsolutions
10 hours ago, mahananda_ray said:

Actually, I want to know about the details.

It takes time and effort to build your Fiverr business.

Just follow this: 


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6 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

I'm not clicking that.

To answer your question, edit your gig as often as NEEDED, but as little as possible.

There is no limitation as to when you can edit. 

Thanks for your valuable information & Advise. 

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  • 4 months later...

Last passed almost 7 days I can't find my new opening gig on Fiverr search results. When I create this gig I can't get any notification "Congratulation on your new gig" from Fiverr. Why did happen this? 

Now, what can I do to show my new opening gig on Fiverr Search results? 

Please help me provide proper advice or guidelines for these unexpected issues. 

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  • 6 months later...

Below attached are three images of my fiverr profile gig's last 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days status. 


Last 7 Days



Last 14 Days



Last 30 Days

I have a few questions: 

  • Are these statuses enough to get orders, clicks, and impressions?
  • A common way to increase clicks and impressions for social media marketing, is there any other way?
  • Suggest to me, how I can improve my gig status to show a fiverr search on first-page rank.

Waiting for your's every type of opinion and advice. 



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7 hours ago, mahananda_ray said:

Below attached are three images of my fiverr profile gig's last 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days status. 


Last 7 Days



Last 14 Days



Last 30 Days

I have a few questions: 

  • Are these statuses enough to get orders, clicks, and impressions?
  • A common way to increase clicks and impressions for social media marketing, is there any other way?
  • Suggest to me, how I can improve my gig status to show a fiverr search on first-page rank.

Waiting for your's every type of opinion and advice. 



Good question

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5 minutes ago, mahananda_ray said:

Have any specific suggestion or article. 

Turn on Buyer Mode and type your niche there in search bar such as WordPress.. WIx whatever your niche is and observe gigs of those sellers who are performing well.. But do not copy everything for yourself.. Just observe 

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