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Seems like you already have an active order with XYZ. Continue your conversation over at the order page or send a message here instead.
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By tarekur_rahmann, in Website Development
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Hi, all:
I am super frustrated with the confusing chat features on Fiverr after I went under contract with several service providers. Why didn't Fiverr create a button on the home page for the chat with service providers after we have gone under contract???
I have multiple projects with different service providers, so I get a lot of emails when the is an update.
When I click the "View and Reply" button, it then bring me this message on the browser "Seems like you already have an active order with XYZ. Continue your conversation over at the order page or send a message here instead."
My question is why did Fiverr make it so hard for the users? Why couldn't they just show what the message is when I click the "View and Reply" button in the email.
If Fiverr prefers to separate the messages into two categories, one for pre-contract and one for post-contract, then they need to have TWO message buttons on their home page! I am too busy to do multiple clicks trying to find what my service providers message about.
If you have the quickest way to go to the post-contract chat when you have multiple service providers involved, would you please share your tip with me?
Thank you,
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