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How to rank my fiverr gig on the first page?


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10 hours ago, sirafathossain said:

My fiverr gig is not more enough impression  And click. 

MY Profile Name https://www.fiverr.com/users/sirafathossain/manage_gigs


Without portfolio shown in gig gallery, your impressions and clicks won't be increased. You have 2 years of experience so add some of your work in gig gallery via images/PDF/video.

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In my point of view, Only the best keyword research and SEO-friendly gig writing would help you to get the impression and click.

where you should use keywords?

Firstly, Research your competitor's gig and find Medium volume and High Volume keyword

  • Write your title with a creative hook and implement your focus kw in the very beginning 
  • Don't miss to use these keywords at the beginning of your gig description 
  • You can also select your Packages Headlines by using different relevant kw
  • Add FAQ of your gig
  • Attractive thumbnail

Here are something you can do as well

  1. Read the forum, research the competition, and understand your target customer.
  2. Look at successful Sellers in your category selling what you (want to) sell.
  3. Think like a Buyer - what does a Buyer want! 
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