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Getting work


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How can I get my first order. Following is the post I am posting in different social media platforms. Pl guide someone 

Any sort of image for any image generated with Ai, cooyeite free from personal to big business and logo and other graphics, please check my gig and interested onesandvserious, no Scammets please contact only on fiverr.


If interested, please contact on fiverr. Nothing outside fiverr please. 

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In the gig description:
Maybe change "a character for ant of your project,"

In all 3 package descriptions ", landscaoe" could be changed.

Maybe different image(s) could be selected for the gallery. eg. in the last image (the one with the forest) on the bottom right of that it looks like some text that isn't showing properly - so a different image there might help.

If you haven't used the very latest stable diffusion that's come out recently, you could try seeing what that might be able to produce for the gig (if you're able to use that).

Also in your search tags one of them is "animations" - but animations isn't mentioned at all in the rest of the gig I think, so for animations using AI it might be better to create a different gig for that (where you can have different packages for different durations etc as well as show a demo of what they will look like in the gig's gallery).

Also in your profile description maybe change the bit that says "...data Entery snd any work on MS word.".

edit: The text you're using in the social media post for advertising it should be changed too really

Edited by uk1000
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