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Making friends on fiverr


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In the short span of time on fiverr, I received a few messages from potential leg pullers. They would just appear from no where showing interest in your work and asking you if a contact outside fiverr is possible? You give them any alphabets or digits to make possible the connection outside fiverr and you are doomed. I strictly followed the policy of telling that, “Sorry, but fiverr ToS do not allow this, we can do all conversation and transactions through fiverr PM and order page.” Most of them disappeared after this just like the way, they appeared on the horizon.

However, there are some buyers on fiverr who are more of friends to me. They crack jokes on me, make fun, share interests and etc. and I really wish if with all my honesty with fiverr, I could be able to initiate friendship with them on facebook, twitter or Whatsapp etc. I want to know, if someone likes to initiate a non-monetary and friendly relationship with a buyer, outside of fiverr, is it possible? Or is it equal to asking for getting one’s account blocked?

P.S We know that we cannot give a link to our blog or website, but I found a few sellers mentioning in their gigs that they can be found on Google with so and so keywords. Is this a legitimate practice?

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