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First Six months of 2023 gone. How has the Fiverr journey been so far?

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Well I think I speak for a lot of people.. March to June was very rough. Having more focus on first time buyers really messed up things for a lot of people. But it is what it is. There are 2 more quarters so hoping for the best 🙂

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Between 2018 and 2021, things were going great for me. However, the years 2022 and 2023 turned out to be a total mess, especially on Fiverr, where just one order cancellation can have a massive impact. Let me explain this in the context of my field, which is motion graphics and animation.

In our line of work, we typically handle a relatively low number of orders per month. Accepting around 2 or 3 orders is common. But here's the catch: if even one of these orders gets canceled, it hits hard on our "order completion rate," causing a significant drop of around 15% to 20%. What's worse is that this negative impact stays with us for a whole 60 days.

When the next evaluation comes around on the 15th of each month, we lose our "Seller Two" badge, get demoted to level one, and consequently lose our "Gig promotion" ability. But it doesn't end there; in the following evaluation, we lose our "Level One" badge too, because the previous month's drop affected the number of orders we received and our Gig promotion ability.

Regaining our seller ranks takes a long time, around 3rd and 4th months after that one unfortunate "order cancellation," which, mind you, can happen for various reasons. It feels like an eternity to get back on track. During this period, if we are lucky, some returning buyers might show up and provide a bit of income to keep us going.

It's a tough situation, but we have to persevere and hope for better times ahead.

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Love the journey, however the ´Woohoo, money!´ could be increased way more. I must say I had some technical stuff (very old Iphone and very old computer that couldn´t handle my music productions on a big fast scale) so it comes down on investment needed, therefore I have to make more sales etc. Looking also more into the pricing of gigs, yes if I lower the price, I get more views and clients, however it doesn´t match with the hours I put into it, so still learning about that. I wish everyone goodluck for the next half year to have a successful fiverr journey. 💞 

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On 7/2/2023 at 9:25 AM, donnovan86 said:

Well I think I speak for a lot of people.. March to June was very rough. Having more focus on first time buyers really messed up things for a lot of people. But it is what it is. There are 2 more quarters so hoping for the best 🙂

Absolutely. Second quarter had a downturn. 

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On 7/2/2023 at 2:41 AM, filipdevaere said:

I have 20% more profits in the first six months of 2023 compared to the first six months of 2022.

I increased by 4% in the first six months of 2023 compared to 2022, which is a relief to know as I was feeling sad because I had surgery in May, and my sales were 25% of a typical month.  

@filipdevaereyou said your repeat buyer score is 100%. Does that mean you do not have any other buyers? 

I apologize for the off-topic; I have been curious about this point.  

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The first half of 2023 has been quite hectic. I've been busting my chops growing both my newspaper business and my Fiverr profile. I've landed some stellar clients, who've turned into regulars. They're the dream type of buyer who jumps on your custom offers without haggling over prices or asking for "group discounts" because they need more than 10 words in their VO or article.

June turned out to be a record month in terms of revenue, although a chunk of it was spillover from May and April projects. June's shaping up to be pretty solid too. I've been getting some big, long-term projects, along with a steady stream of orders from new buyers.

Spring and early summer have been great, at least where the cash flow's concerned. But I haven't managed to save as much as I'd hoped and that's frustrating. I'm always on about building your buffer and investments. It's high time I practice what I preach and rein in my reckless spending. For the rest of 2023, my goal is to consolidate my new rates and long-term clients, weeding out the not-so-great projects, and making sure to save and invest at least 30% of my Fiverr earnings. 

Percentage-wise, my earnings growth compared to the last half of 2022 was a mere 3,9%, so I'm not entirely happy with that, given the inflation is at 6% in the past year. When comparing the number of orders, I managed to have that growth while decreasing the number of orders by 14%, so that means I'm making more on each order, which is a constant goal of mine, so that's positive. 

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@filipdevaere, it looks like your true repeat buyer score for that subcategory is 72%, which makes up 81% of your earnings and is better than 99% of sellers' performance in your subcategory over the last 90 days.

In the last three times you reported getting 100%, your true repeat buyer scores were 71% (June 4 2023), 70% (June 17, 2023), and 50% (Nov 26, 2022), but they all beat out 100% of your competition over the previous 90 days. You have a really good number of repeat buyers (~25).

@vickiespencer, I couldn't see your true repeat buyer score (only the adjusted score). But I'm sure your score breakdown is very similar to @filipdevaere.

My score has been terrible since I split up my resume gig into three gigs: resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn. Most sellers in my category offer all three services in one gig. So my repeat buyer score is 54% and my true repeat buyer score is 44%.

However, this breakdown allows me to charge much higher prices (and will allow me to transition the gigs to Pro in the future). My prices are higher than many TRS and Pro sellers in my subcategory.

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On 7/2/2023 at 11:02 AM, proconsultn2035 said:

We're in the second half of the year. How has the journey on Fiverr been? My first quarter was excellent due to end of year works. Second quarter got a decline in May and June probably due to gigs deranked. How has yours been so far? 

The first 6 months was great for me compared to the last year especially after getting the level 2. But in June, there was a drop because I have decided to slow down and take some time for my personal project.

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On 7/1/2023 at 10:02 PM, proconsultn2035 said:

We're in the second half of the year. How has the journey on Fiverr been?

My income this year looks like the waves of the sea 🌊 with high income in Jan (from Dec orders), a dip in Feb-Mar (due to disappearing buyers/mid-order cancelations on some of my biggest orders), growth from Mar-May, a dip in May (due to ID theft and cybersecurity breach), and growth from May-June.

I'm still making more than 2022 (thanks to my price increases), which helps to offset the higher cost of living that we are seeing after our move to Hawaii.  I'm hoping to break the 🌊🌊 trend this month.

I also started using Out-Off-Office mode for the first time this year, and it has not affected my sales. It makes me wonder why it took me so long to start using it!

Edited by vickieito
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Fiverr is getting worst now for sellers.. I got incorrect warning placed on my account which I worked so hard to build...Fiver customer support is one of the worst so far... just copy paste responses... thinking to switch to better freelancing sites...

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