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What kind of Privilege does this Seller has?


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So, I was browsing around to find a social media manager and I found a few of them interesting. One of them Blocked me when I simply asked "Would you like to answer them?". I do not think that asking some question which is not answered in the Gig's description or FAQ section.

This seller has about 3,800+ Reviews, I mean why would this seller just blocked me without even addressing anything. Absolutely disrespectful and unprofessional. I couldn't imagine what this seller would do to my Social Media platforms if I was his/her client and left a honest negative feedback.

Is Fiverr OK with this, just because they have a lot of Reviews and ongoing orders?



Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 11-00-51 Find the best global talent - Copy.png

Edited by mariamjackson01
grammer mistake
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  • mariamjackson01 changed the title to What kind of Privilege does this Seller has?


So I can see this being two things.

My strongest hunch is that the seller has been spammed a lot before and mistakenly thought you were a spammer (basically a new seller who was interrogating them to get advice and eventually maybe even orders from them.) It's relatively rare for me to have this happen but every once in a while someone will write quite similarly to me and end up as just a seller like that, wasting my time. It's not great to always assume but when you get several messages like that a day it gets hard. 

Alternatively the seller might have felt like you weren't a good fit / would not work well together and chose the easier option though I find this option less likely.

Sometimes, the way you phrase your questions / etc might also feel like a red flag to someone. I personally don't block due to that only, but I find that phrasing definitely matters to me as well. 

(No offense to you and not trying to protect the seller, just guessing.)

Fiverr is OK with sellers marking others as spam if they think they are (or just blocking them) which 99% of the time ends up being a correct guess but sometimes we might end up being overly vigilant.


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Well without knowing your message and what you said it's hard to tell why they blocked you. I agree they could have said they can't work with you. Or as @katakatica said, your message might seem like spam and they just marked as spam and moved on. These things happen, as a seller it's hard to differentiate a true buyer from a spammer sometimes. Without knowing what you said to them, that's all we can speculate 🙂

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4 hours ago, katakatica said:


So I can see this being two things.

My strongest hunch is that the seller has been spammed a lot before and mistakenly thought you were a spammer (basically a new seller who was interrogating them to get advice and eventually maybe even orders from them.) It's relatively rare for me to have this happen but every once in a while someone will write quite similarly to me and end up as just a seller like that, wasting my time. It's not great to always assume but when you get several messages like that a day it gets hard. 

Alternatively the seller might have felt like you weren't a good fit / would not work well together and chose the easier option though I find this option less likely.

Sometimes, the way you phrase your questions / etc might also feel like a red flag to someone. I personally don't block due to that only, but I find that phrasing definitely matters to me as well. 

(No offense to you and not trying to protect the seller, just guessing.)

Fiverr is OK with sellers marking others as spam if they think they are (or just blocking them) which 99% of the time ends up being a correct guess but sometimes we might end up being overly vigilant.


I think you could be correct about your views. If sellers started to block anyone who questions, then it simply means that seller indirectly saying "shut up up and buy my service just like other dumb buyer.".

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2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Well without knowing your message and what you said it's hard to tell why they blocked you. I agree they could have said they can't work with you. Or as @katakatica said, your message might seem like spam and they just marked as spam and moved on. These things happen, as a seller it's hard to differentiate a true buyer from a spammer sometimes. Without knowing what you said to them, that's all we can speculate 🙂

You are absolutely right. As you can see the seller blocked me after writing ".", as if the seller as given answer to the buyer's question in order to getting away from Fiverr's TOS violations.


Such behavior is not good for this platform.

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12 hours ago, mariamjackson01 said:

I mean why would this seller just blocked me without even addressing anything.

I think some sellers block buyers simply because they are working on orders and they have to respond to every message right away (or mark the messages as spam) in order to keep their seller statistics up in terms of response times (<1 hour), response rate (100%), and on-time deliveries. Especially since Fiverr started putting timers on some messages that say "Respond within 5 minutes to increase your chances of getting a job." It can be hard to get any work done when there are a lot of incoming messages and you want to maintain quick response times (and may have 3 or 4 messages going on at a time and also have deliveries that are due that same hour, so they are fighting against multiple clocks).

13 hours ago, mariamjackson01 said:

Is Fiverr OK with this

When I was a new seller, I thought it was rude that many buyers just disappear right in the middle of conversation (or they blocked me if I tell them that I'm unable to take their order). Many times I would tell them I couldn't do their project because they wouldn't share that much information - they would just say, "I have a big job, can you do it?" Even after probing, they would just say cryptic things like, "I can pay you $2,000 .... why can't you take this job?" And I would answer that they still haven't told me what they wanted done ... And then they would block me.

....so for the longest time, I couldn't use the block feature. I thought it was extremely rude, and maybe a part of the online, social media culture that existed, where people could just leave in the middle of conversation, or block whoever they wanted, for any reason. I also thought it was an excuse for poor communication.

I got used to it though, and just shrug my shoulders when a buyer chooses to act that way.

As a seller, I started to use the block button. The first one was a buyer who initially blocked me because I declined the job (because they couldn't give me details of their project ...and then they unblocked me to make sneering remarks about how they found a "better" seller). After they wasted my time sharing the details of how this other seller was better than me, I did block them ... and in the middle of conversation.

I also started to use the spam button, especially when I get a lot of spammy messages in my inbox. Sometimes I might accidentally use that spam button (and mark a legitimate buyer as a spammer) if we go back and forth more than five times without the buyer mentioning their project details (sometimes even legitimate buyers say "Hi," "How are you?", "Do you write?," "Will you join my team?," "Can I ask questions?" ... and if it's not leading anywhere, I might mark them as spam, accidentally).

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3 hours ago, mariamjackson01 said:

As you can see the seller blocked me after writing ".", as if the seller as given answer to the buyer's question in order to getting away from Fiverr's TOS violations.

Well sellers have to say something before blocking since our response time is tracked by the platform. So that's why you got the point as a reply.

Without knowing what you askedss, it's hard to understand why they blocked you. 

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11 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Well sellers have to say something before blocking since our response time is tracked by the platform. So that's why you got the point as a reply.

Without knowing what you askedss, it's hard to understand why they blocked you. 

I received a long automated message then I asked "i have a few questions though." "Would you like to answer them?".

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2 hours ago, mariamjackson01 said:

I received a long automated message then I asked "i have a few questions though." "Would you like to answer them?".

My son used to get so mad when I began a request with "would you [whatever]".  Perhaps your seller felt the same way ...

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3 hours ago, mariamjackson01 said:

I received a long automated message then I asked "i have a few questions though." "Would you like to answer them?".

You don't know if the message is automated or not. But I think we are trying to examine things too much. It's clear that the seller in question either disliked your request, or he doesn't want to work with you for some reason. While it does seem a bit unprofessional to block a person, I guess they might have their reasons. At this point it's better to just move on and find someone that can actually fill your request. There are tons of sellers on Fiverr. If that person refuses work, they will eventually run out of customers 🙂

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On 6/24/2023 at 8:04 AM, visualstudios said:

If you post the entire conversation, as well as your buyer stats, we can get a better idea of the sellers reasoning. From what you've posted, it can be anything.

Yes, I can post full screenshot but you do understand that by knowing my (buyer) stats, wouldn't justify how the seller behaved?

By the way, my stats is just new to this platform.

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52 minutes ago, mariamjackson01 said:

Yes, I can post full screenshot but you do understand that by knowing my (buyer) stats, wouldn't justify how the seller behaved?


The thing is, we don't have any idea what was said aside from a redacted screenshot. So you can understand why we can't agree/disagree with you without knowing the whole story. 

55 minutes ago, mariamjackson01 said:

Which means the seller abused the platform by not giving the accurate or relevant information.

It depends, the seller might have all the gig info in the description. 

Some sellers might choose to block someone because it felt they are not a good fit for them. And since a buyer can easily order without the seller's consent on Fiverr, maybe he wanted to avoid an order that he can't do. Then again he could have said he is not available or can't work on the stuff you want. As I said, it can be a number of things. At the end of the day it's clear they are not a good fit for you anyway, so might as well choose someone else. If anything, this situation might be a blessing in disguise, if you don't like how this person behaved, then adding money into the mix would make things messier. 

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4 hours ago, mariamjackson01 said:

Yes, I can post full screenshot but you do understand that by knowing my (buyer) stats, wouldn't justify how the seller behaved?

The combination of them with the previous conversation might. It really depends on multiple factors. I'm not saying he was being professional, but we may be able to help you understand why they acted like they did - if we get the complete context.

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10 minutes ago, mariamjackson01 said:

Are you saying that the seller is childish?

I think the best approach here is to just move on, as I said. If you can't share the exact conversation, we can't pick who is right. And at this point, clearly the seller doesn't want to work with you so it doesn't matter anyway, might as well move on. There are many sellers that are excited to work with you, so might as well focus your time and energy on them rather than a person that clearly doesn't want to help or can't help you. 

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24 minutes ago, newsmike said:

I've seen divorces settled with less drama than this. 

I definitely agree. There wasn't even an active order... I can understand the buyer if this seller had an extremely good price and there was no one even close to that price. But if they rejected the work, it's better to move on.  

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Well, I can understand the buyer if they generally want to use Fiverr, and make sure the blocking won't happen again, especially if they spent time picking a seller in the first place (I've bought here before, and, boy, did I spend time to decide on a logo designer to message...). However, that brings us back to

On 6/26/2023 at 2:43 AM, visualstudios said:

we may be able to help you understand why they acted like they did - if we get the complete context.


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6 minutes ago, mariamjackson01 said:

I have no doubt by looking at you.

Wow, what a mystery that people block you on first contact as your original whining post states. Your childish insults do not offend me, go on and tell us more about how people block you immediately. And you neediness is entertaining as well. 



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