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Client requests a refund



Hello, everyone.
I have created a website for a client for $120 and performed SEO OnPage/SEO Backlinks optimization for an additional $70.

Throughout the project, I maintained active communication with the client, who initially expressed satisfaction with the website. The client requested some changes to the website, for which I needed access to Shopify App(Which I didn't have). Despite notifying the I am three times about the access requirement, they did not provide me with the necessary permissions. Additionally, the client stated that they would handle the product pages themselves. However, I completed all other requested changes.

Once the client was ultimately satisfied with the website and received all the requested modifications (excluding those that required access they didn't grant me despite multiple requests), they demanded a refund for both the SEO services and the website, claiming that I didn't fulfill their requirements. It's important to note that I didn't have access to perform the specific tasks they mentioned, and I had informed them about it beforehand (he needed adding reviews to products and including questions in the FAQ section).

In response, the client proceeded to make the changes themselves within 15 minutes and then claimed to have completed 50% of the website work on their own. Consequently, they demanded a refund for the website.

Despite my willingness to engage in a constructive dialogue, the client refuses to engage in a reasonable discussion and insists on a refund, threatening to leave a negative review unless their demands are met. I encouraged them to proceed with writing the review they believe I deserve, but they declined and continue to demand a refund.

As this is my first negative feedback experience, I am uncertain about the best course of action. Any advice on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance


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15 minutes ago, alicesqc said:

As this is my first negative feedback experience, I am uncertain about the best course of action. Any advice on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated.

So you can continue and eventually the customer will leave a review, but you get paid.

If you cancel, you may want to cancel now. Starting with Monday I think, Fiverr has a new review policy where buyers that cancel orders can also leave a review on that order. Yes, buyers can now leave a review on canceled orders too, so might as well not cancel. But since this comes into effect next week, you can still cancel and not get penalized. Either way, it's a bad situation because you either get paid and receive a bad review, or you cancel and lose the money. And if you cancel next week, the client might also be able to leave a bad review.

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I can not continue to work on the site because he took away my access to it, and had already done everything he needed (added reviews and added FAQ questions) 

I'm ready to get bad feedback, because I'm not going to work for free, the site that I made no longer edited in any way and he uses it for its intended purpose and runs ads on it.

But he refuses to close the order and demand a refund, which I do not approve it, we have been waiting a week for someone to give up, how to speed up this process and notify the saporta Fiverr that they sort it out? 

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I can understand how it feels when someone does not appreciate your sincerity despite all of the efforts you made for them. I would suggest you to file a request with Fiverr customer support about this issue and let them know about it. They would definitely come up with some suggestions. If not then I will ask you not to accept the cancellation, as it will eventually have a bad effect on your profile.

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3 hours ago, alicesqc said:

Hello, everyone.
I have created a website for a client for $120 and performed SEO OnPage/SEO Backlinks optimization for an additional $70.

Throughout the project, I maintained active communication with the client, who initially expressed satisfaction with the website. The client requested some changes to the website, for which I needed access to Shopify App(Which I didn't have). Despite notifying the I am three times about the access requirement, they did not provide me with the necessary permissions. Additionally, the client stated that they would handle the product pages themselves. However, I completed all other requested changes.

Once the client was ultimately satisfied with the website and received all the requested modifications (excluding those that required access they didn't grant me despite multiple requests), they demanded a refund for both the SEO services and the website, claiming that I didn't fulfill their requirements. It's important to note that I didn't have access to perform the specific tasks they mentioned, and I had informed them about it beforehand (he needed adding reviews to products and including questions in the FAQ section).

In response, the client proceeded to make the changes themselves within 15 minutes and then claimed to have completed 50% of the website work on their own. Consequently, they demanded a refund for the website.

Despite my willingness to engage in a constructive dialogue, the client refuses to engage in a reasonable discussion and insists on a refund, threatening to leave a negative review unless their demands are met. I encouraged them to proceed with writing the review they believe I deserve, but they declined and continue to demand a refund.

As this is my first negative feedback experience, I am uncertain about the best course of action. Any advice on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance


dont go for cancellation,   take the money paid by him, you did what was asked,  refuse to accept cancellation,  its his trick to get work for free by doing the services himself. as long as you have proof you can get paid ,review no one can do anything.

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